6.5Editing channel data on your computer 51
Plug one end of a RS-232 cable (9 pin D-
subcable) into the RS-232 port on the dig-
ital receiver, and the other end into the
matchingport on the other digital receiver.
2. Turn on the source digital receiver.
Selectthe Installation
TransferData to Other IRD menu, then
youget asked for confirmation; select Yes.
Tostart the data transfer,turn on the target
A progress bar appears showing the
progressof the data transfer.
Restartthe target digital receiver when the
datatransfer is complete.
6.5 Editing channel data on your computerYoucan edit the channel data on your computer by using a
channel editor programme, Vega. With Vegayou can do the
• Adding, deleting or modifying satellite entries
• Adding, deleting or modifying transponder entries
• Deleting or modifying service entries
• Adding, deleting or modifying favourite groups
You can not only transfer your channel data to the digital
receiver but also save it as a file, the extension name of
which is std.Vega is available from the Topfieldwebsite,
Touse Vega, you have to prepare a RS-232 cable to link the
digitalreceiver with your personal computer.