80 Recordingand Playing
7.3.5 To play back a recording repeatedlyYoucan play back a recording repeatedly both in whole and in
Toplay back in whole, press the buttonwhen the progress
baris hidden; then the repetition symbol ( )is displayed on
theinformation box. Tocancel it, press the buttonagain.
Toplay back in part, perform the following steps:
1. Press the buttonto display the progress bar.
Moveto the beginning scene of the part you want to play
repeatedlyby holding down the or button.
3. Press the button, then the pointer starts to blink.
4. Move to the end scene; the part is marked in purple.
Pressthe button again, then the part turns green, and
repeatedplayback starts.
Tocancel it, press the button when the progressbar is