6.5Editing channel data on your computer 53
onthe toolbar or press the F1 key on your keyboard. Then the
satelliteinformation is displayed and related menus become
Toadd a satellite entry, select the Function
Satellite, TP
Add Satellite menu, then a box appears. You should enter a
newsatellite name into the Satellite Name field. Ifyou know
theposition index of the new satellite for DiSEqC 1.2, enter the
valueinto the Position Index field. If you do not, you have to
performthe Motorized DiSEqC 1.2menu of the digital receiver.
Referthat menu to
4.1.2. After making a new satellite entry
bypressing the OK button on the box, you should configure
LNBsettings for it. ReferLNB settings to § 4.1.1.
Todelete a satellite entry, choose your desiredsatellite entry at
theSatellite drop-down list box, and then select the Function
DeleteSatellite menu item. Thena box appears
askingfor your confirmation, the selected satellite entry will
bedeleted by pressing the Yes button on it.