vi Contents
7.2.6 Tomove a recording to another folder .......... 75
7.3 Playingback a recording ...................... 75
7.3.1 Tonavigate using the progress bar ............ 76
7.3.2 Toplay in slow motion ..................77
7.3.3 Toplay in fast motion ................... 78
7.3.4 Tomake a bookmark .................... 79
7.3.5 Toplay back a recording repeatedly ...........80
7.3.6 Toplay back recordings in sequence ........... 81
7.3.7 Toplay back a scrambled recording ........... 82
7.4 Editinga recording .........................82
7.5 Copyinga recording ........................ 83
7.6 Formattingthe hard disk ...................... 83
8 Firmware Update 84
8.1 Checkingthe firmware information ............... 84
8.2 Fromyour computer via RS-232 port ............... 86
8.3 Fromanother digital receiver via RS-232 port .......... 87
8.4 Overthe air ............................. 88
Index 89