3.2Video and audio settings 19
3.2 Video and audio settingsYouhave to configure the video
andaudio settings appropriately
to your television set and other
Select the System Setting
A/V Output Setting menu. You
should see a screenlike the left
3.2.1 Televisionstandard
The digital receiver supports two television standards. One
is PALstandard, and the other is NTSC standard. PALwas
adoptedin European countries while NTSC is adopted in USA,
Canada,Mexico and so forth.
If you have a PAL television, you have to set the TV Type
option to PAL.In that case, if you switch to a service of the
NTSCstandard, the digital receiver will presents the pictures
convertinginto the PAL standard. However, it is inevitable to
losea little picture quality. Likewise, the contrary case brings
aboutthe same result.
Thebest thing is to watch PAL services with a PAL television
andto watch NTSC services with a NTSC television. However,
a multi television set is able to process both of them. So if
youhave a multi television set, you had better set the TV Type
optionto Multi. Thenthe digital receiver will present pictures
withoutstandard conversion.
3.2.2 Colour model
Throughthe TV SCART connector, the digital receiver is able
to output video in various colour models. If you have the