2 Introduction
• Can store up to 5000 television and radio services.
• You can edit the services list.
• You can create favourite lists of your favourite services.
Youcan view information about the current television or
Has an electronic programme guide that provides an
overviewof scheduled programmes.
Youcan update the firmware of the digital receiver to the
latestversion, provided by the manufacturer.
Youcan record one broadcasting service while you are
currentlywatching another.
Thelarge storage capacity of the built-in hard disk drive
allowsyou to record up to about 60 hours of television
—incase of 250 gigabytes— in excellent picture and sound
Timeshift is a special technical feature available on the
TF4000 PVR Plus. You can pause the programme you
arewatching and resume it again at a later time. Then
youcan quickly go to whatever part of the current pro-
grammeby fast foward and rewind search.
1.2 Controlling the digital receiverThe digital receivercan be operated with the remote control
andthe buttons on the front panel.
Whenthe digital receiver is off but plugged into a wall outlet,
wesay that it is in standby mode; on the other hand, when it is
on,it is in operation mode. Evenwhen you are not using the
digitalreceiver, you should keep it plugged into a wall outlet
to be in standby mode so that it can run timer events at any