2.5Switching on for the first time 15
Youwill need to obtain a SCART cable to use
theauxiliary SCART connector. Plug one end
ofthe cable into the VCR socket on the digital
receiver,and the other end into the match-
ingsocket on your video cassette recorder or
2.5 Switching on for the first timeNowthat you have your digital receiver connected, you should
plugit in to a mains socket. Ensurethat your television set is
turnedon, so that you will be able to see the display from the
2.5.1 Insertingbatteries in the remote control
Toinsert the batteries, open the battery compartment by remov-
ingthe lid, and then insert the batteries observing the polarity,
whichis marked on the base of the battery compartment.
Ifthe digital receiver no longer reacts properly to remote con-
trolcommands, the batteries may be flat. Be sure to remove
used batteries. The manufacturer accepts no liability for the
damageresulting from leaking batteries.
Batteries,including those which contain no heavy metals, may
not be disposed of with household waste. Please dispose of
usedbatteries in an environmentally sound manner. Find out
aboutthe legal regulations which apply in your area.
2.5.2 Poweringon and checking picture
Now,press the button in top left corner on the remote
Ifthe picture is good, you can skip to
4.1.4to search for the
available television and radio services. Otherwise, you may