82 Recordingand Playing
7.3.7 To play back a scrambled recording
Ifyou have recorded a programme of a pay service with the
subscription card, you can play it as freelylike one of a free
service. Otherwiseyou need the subscription card to play
it, because it has been recorded without unscrambling even
thoughit may have been partially descrambled.
Onthe recorded programme list, a purely green
recordinghas been wholly descrambled; on the other hand, a
indicatesit has been partially descrambled,
anda purely yellow
indicatesit has not been descrambled at
Referto § 7.1.6 for how to record a pay service programme.
7.4 Editing a recordingYoucan cut out or save a part such as a commercial from a
recordingby performing the following steps:
Pressthe buttonto display the progress bar during a
Moveto the beginning scene of the part you want to edit
byholding down the or button.
3. Press the button,then the pointer starts to blink.
4. Move to the end scene; the part is marked in purple.
5. Press the button,then the edit options are displayed
Ifyou choose the Cut option, it will be removed from the
originalrecording and discarded.
Ifyou choose the Save option, the cut will be saved in a
newfile which is named after the original recording with
asuffix of ‘CUT’ and a number.