To Save a Dialed Internal/External Number:
1.Any time after successfully dialing a number, press the
Save and Repeat (S&R) access key.
To Dial a Number via Save and Repeat:
1.Manually select a desired line, or use the line provided by your station’s line preference type.
2.Press the S&R key.
3.Continue the call as a regular call.
The called party can be ringing, busy, or in a talk state.
The dialed number will be stored for later access.
The S&R LED will light solid red and will remain lit while the number is being dialed.
Display telephones will indicate the number being dialed.
1.Since your telephone can be involved with several different calls at once (calls on different lines, on hold, etc.), the Save and Repeat feature saves the number associated with the call that is active when the S&R key is pressed.
2.When dialing a number stored via Save and Repeat, the line that is automatically selected for calling is determined by your station’s line preference type. To select any other line, you must preselect the desired line. A private line must always be preselected.
3.The number stored via Save and Repeat will remain stored until another number is stored.
4.A stored number can consist of up to 24 numbers (0 ~ 9 and * ). Pauses can also be stored. Digits that are entered after a call is placed, such as account codes or voice mail activation codes will not be stored.
5.A number can be dialed via Save and Repeat during any call state that allows initial call dialing.