6.6.Program example for parameter writing
Example 6 shows a ladder logic to chang the setting of f311 of station 1 inverter to 1 f311:
X0 X0F X1 SW80.0
( M0)
M0 X20
[ PLS M300]
[ SET M301]
M301 X100F
[ MOV H2311 W102]
[ MOV K1 W103]
[ SET Y100F]
[ RST M301]
[ SET M302]
M302 X100F
[ MOV W2 D2]
[ RST Y100F]
[ RST M302]
Check the ready of the Station 1
Write f311 write code (2311H) to RWw2 and
Turn on the instruction code execution
Read reply code (RWr2) to D2 when the Instruction code execution completion flag
Turn off the instruction code execution
[ END]
Refer to 5.5.8 for detail.
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