TL-WDR3600 N600 Wireless Dual Band Gigabit Router
DoS Protection - Denial of Service protection. Check the Enable or Disable button to enable or disable the DoS protection function. Only when it is enabled, will the flood filters be enabled.
Dos Protection will take effect only when the Traffic Statistics in “System Tool → Traffic Statistics” is enabled.
Ignore Ping Packet From WAN Port - Enable or Disable Ignore Ping Packet From WAN Port. The default setting is disabled. If enabled, the ping packet from the Internet cannot access the Router.
Forbid Ping Packet From LAN Port - Enable or Disable Forbid Ping Packet From LAN Port. The default setting is disabled. If enabled, the ping packet from LAN cannot access the Router. This function can be used to defend against some viruses.
Click the Save button to save the settings.
Click the Blocked DoS Host List button to display the DoS host table by blocking.
4.13.3 Local Management
Choose menu “Security → Local Management”, and then you can configure the management rule in the screen as shown in Figure
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