Turbo Chef Technologies HHB-8134, HHB-8136, HHB-8029 Time Screen Options, Done Screen Options

Models: HHB-8041 HHB-8099 HHB-8085 HHB-8097 HHB-8115 HHB-8134 HHB-8028 HHB-8029 HHB-8136

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Press the Soft Key that corresponds to the desired food

NOTE: Press the “DOWN” Key to view Food

group. In this example, pressing the top right Soft Key

Groups 7-12.

would access all Food Items in the “1st Group”.








  : Selecting a Food Group





Press the Soft Key corresponding to the desired food item.

In this example, pressing the top right Soft Key would initiate a Cook Cycle for the “First Item”.

  : Selecting a Food Item

5.Each of the 12 food groups contains 6 food items (recipes). Select a recipe by pressing the corresponding Soft Key (Figure 5).

NOTE: To immediately terminate a Cook Cycle, press the “BACK/STOP” Key.


Time Screen Options (Figure 6, page 8)

If the Time Screen is enabled, before initiating a Cook Cycle the operator will be given the option to adjust the cook time in 5-second increments.

To learn about enabling and disabling the Time Screen, see page 10.

Done Screen Options (Figure 7, page 8)

If the Done Screen is enabled, when the operator opens the door at the end of a Cook Cycle he/she will be given two (2) choices:

1.Save Time – save an adjusted cook time (if Time Screen is also enabled).

2.Cook More – cook an item longer after it reaches the end of its Cook Cycle.

When an item is cooked longer, the oven cooks it to the specifications of the final event in the initial Cook Cycle. To learn about events (or phases) of a recipe, see Modifying Recipes (pages 12-14).

To learn about enabling and disabling the Done Screen, see page 10.

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Turbo Chef Technologies HHB-8134, HHB-8136, HHB-8029, HHB-8028, HHB-8115, HHB-8097 Time Screen Options, Done Screen Options