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Portion Blending System(PBS)' ($ bc ￿￿


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Vita-Mix 101807 manual DG3, Portion Blending SystemPBS $ bc

101807 specifications

The Vita-Mix 101807 is a high-performance blender designed for both home and professional use, providing exceptional versatility in the kitchen. Known for its robust construction and innovative features, the 101807 model stands out as a favorite among chefs and cooking enthusiasts alike.

At the heart of the Vita-Mix 101807 is its powerful motor, equipped with a 2.2 peak horsepower capacity that can effortlessly blend a variety of ingredients. This substantial power allows for smooth blending of tougher items, such as frozen fruits and vegetables, nuts, and ice, making it an ideal choice for smoothies, soups, sauces, and even ice cream. Its efficient blending capabilities not only save time but also help to preserve the nutrient content of the ingredients.

One of the key technologies featured in the Vita-Mix 101807 is its variable speed control, which allows users to achieve the desired texture and consistency of their blends. This feature empowers home cooks and professionals to fine-tune the blending process for different recipes, whether they prefer a chunky salsa or a silky purée. The pulse feature adds an additional layer of control, enabling quick bursts of blending for more texture variation.

The design of the 101807 model includes a large, 64-ounce container, which is perfect for preparing larger batches. This container is constructed from durable, BPA-free plastic, ensuring that it can withstand frequent use while being safe for food consumption. The container also features measurement markings, making it easy to measure ingredients accurately.

Another notable characteristic of the Vita-Mix 101807 is its self-cleaning capability. With just a drop of dish soap and warm water, the blender can clean itself in under a minute, simplifying the post-cooking cleanup process and enhancing user convenience.

Overall, the Vita-Mix 101807 embodies a combination of power, versatility, and ease of use. With its advanced blending technologies and user-friendly features, it is a valuable addition to any kitchen, delivering exceptional performance that meets the needs of both casual cooks and culinary professionals. Whether making smoothies, soups, or nut butters, the Vita-Mix 101807 stands unrivaled in providing consistent, high-quality results.