power on the Base Station and have the Terminal Sign On again in order to continue.

Sequence Error Message

The host program must observe the one-for-one "host prompt/terminal response" protocol at all times. The host cannot send a second data entry

prompt until it has received a response to the first data entry prompt. If it does, this is considered a Sequence Error. If the Base Station receives a

command that is out of sequence, it sends the following message back to the host:

Byte position


Possible values


RF Terminal ID

0-9, A-Z, a-z, - =


Sequence Error

DC2 (ASCII 18)


Termination of message


If the Base Station receives 5 Sequence Error’s in a row, it transmits the following message to the Terminal and shuts down: (the only host command that it will receive is *@EOT)

Base Shut Down

Due to Host Logic


Check your program for the sequence error before starting again. You will have to reinitialize the Base Station by host program control (*@EOT) or manually cycle power on the Base Station and have the Terminal Sign On again in order to continue.

Illegal Command

When a terminal receives an illegal statement from the host, it will display the entire statement on the terminal. Once the ENTER key is pressed on the terminal, the terminal sends a “?” back to the Base Station.

Byte position



RF Terminal ID


Illegal Command


Termination of message

Possible values

0-9, A-Z, a-z, - =



For example, if Terminal #2 received an illegal command, the Base station would transmit to the host:


If a command is sent from the host to the base station without a valid terminal ID character, such as:

@1,1,1,Scan Serial Number


Page 65
Image 65
Worth Data 701 RF manual Sequence Error Message, Illegal Command, ?Cr, @1,1,1,Scan Serial Number