231 characters in length. A message cannot though, contain an @S

command in combination with any other command. A message also should not contain more than 1 request for data entry (third

character in command is 1). For example:


has two data entry “prompt” commands combined. If this message

were sent to the RF Terminal, the first data entry prompt

(@1,1,1,ITEM) would be executed, but any and all commands after the first data entry prompt in that statement would be ignored without warning – there will be no display or indication of an illegal command.

The @S command (for serial output) statement cannot be combined with any other command - even clear (@Cx) commands. After a @S command is successfully completed, the Base Station sends back to the host the RF Terminal ID followed by a CR (ASCII 13). There is a 231 character limit on data for this command. If you send a command of more than 231 characters, you will get an Illegal Command returned, (ID ? CR). If you need to send 300 characters of data, send the first part, wait for the acknowledgement (ID CR), and then send the remaining part. If

you are using the @S command with a printer other than the Zebra Cameo or QL3, you may have to change the Protocol parameter in the RF Terminal to XON/XOFF. This will allow the RF Terminal

to deal with the character buffer limitations of your particular printer. If you are using the O’Neil MicroFlash Printer, you must

send a NULL character before the valid data to wake up the printer. See your printer manual for details and see Chapter 6 for

details on printer protocol.

The @M command is similar to the @S command, except it can be combined with other commands because it is a data entry command too. This command is for a printer initialization and magstripe input on the Zebra Cameo printer equipped with the magstripe option. The format of the command is:


where dddatttta might be ! U1 MCR 80 T1 T2+ CR + LF

(Refer to the Cameo manual for the exact string sequence you need to send. The above example sends over an 10 second request for reading Track 1 and Track 2).

There is no reply to the host except the magstripe data. If the card cannot be read, pressing the ENTER key on the Terminal will send back ID+CR. This is the breakout method.


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Worth Data 701 RF manual @1,1,1,ITEM@2,1,1,QTY