Xerox N4525 manual PJL commands, Using the Fsdownload command

Models: N4525

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Hard Disk Drive and Memory (DRAM and Flash ROM)

Fonts downloaded to the hard drive or flash memory are stored in the PCL Fonts directory. Macros downloaded to the hard drive or flash memory are stored in the PCL Macros directory. PCL fonts, forms, and macros stored on the hard disk remain there until you delete them; they are not cleared from the hard disk or flash memory when the printer is powered off. You can only delete a macro from the hard disk if you know the name of the macro. Since you cannot print a list of macros as you can for fonts, it is important to keep a record of all downloaded macros. Then, use the PJL FSDELETE command to delete fonts, forms, and macros.

“Temporary” fonts/forms/macros downloaded to printer memory on a job per job basis are cleared from the printer's memory after each job.

“Permanent” fonts downloaded to printer memory are cleared from memory whenever the printer is powered off. When the printer switches PDLs, its automatic context saving feature saves all fonts and macros.

PJL commands

You can use the PJL command FSDOWNLOAD to download fonts, forms, and macros to the printer’s disk or flash memory. You can use the PJL command FSDELETE to delete them.

Using the FSDOWNLOAD command

The FSDOWNLOAD command is used to download fonts, forms, and macros to the printer’s file system. If a file with the same name exists, the downloaded file overwrites it.


@PJL FSDOWNLOAD FORMAT:BINARY [SIZE=int] [NAME = “pathname”] [<CR>] <LF><binary data><ESC>%-12345X



Functional Range












ASCII 01 thru 255





SIZE = integer — The size variable indicates the number of bytes in the file to be downloaded, the number of bytes immediately following the <LF> to the next UEL command.

NAME = “pathname” — where “pathname” = 0:\pcl\fonts\<fontname> to download a font named “fontname” to the printer

or = 0:\pcl\macros\<macroname> to download a macro named “macroname” to the printer. <fontname>/<macroname> can be any combination of up to 40 alphanumeric characters.

<binary data> — This is the binary file data to be downloaded, such as font files and macro data.

Note: Use of 1 rather than 0 in the “pathname” will download the font or macro to the Flash memory rather than to the hard drive.

Advanced Features and Troubleshooting Manual


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Xerox N4525 manual PJL commands, Using the Fsdownload command