Xerox N4525 manual Windows NT 4.x Troubleshooting AppleTalk

Models: N4525

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Windows NT 4.x Troubleshooting (AppleTalk)

This troubleshooting section assumes:

You have loaded a DocuPrint N4525 printer PCL or PostScript print driver.

You have printed and retained a current copy of the Configuration Sheet.

1.Verify this item in the upper left corner of the Configuration Sheet:

EtherTalk Name is correct.

2.Verify these items in the EtherTalk and Ethernet Menu areas of the Configuration Sheet:

Enabled is set to Yes.

Zone contains the desired zone name or * (*=all zones).

3.From the server desktop, use the right-mouse button and select Network Neighborhood. With the left-mouse button, select Properties from the cascade menu.

4.The Network dialog should appear. Select the Configuration tab.

5.Check the list of installed network components for the following item:

AppleTalk Protocol

6.If you have elected to run CentreWare DP you must have loaded Novell NetWare Client 32, Novell NetWare Client, a Novell server on the network, and an IPX/SPX Compatible protocol component. You may also discover printers that have been assigned a TCP/IP address.

7.As required, install any components not listed and restart the system.

8.Once rebooted, select the Start button and Settings, then select the Printers folder. The printers window should appear.

9.Verify that you have selected the correct driver for your printer.

10.Right-mouse-click on the printer icon and select Properties.

11.Select the Ports tab.

12.Verify the AppleTalk name in the Print to the following port list. If necessary, re-select the correct name.

13.Start an application and send a print job to the printer. If printer still does not print, refer to the Xerox web site at: printing/support.


DocuPrint N4525 Network Laser Printer

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Xerox N4525 manual Windows NT 4.x Troubleshooting AppleTalk