Error Messages




Improper data was input.






Attempted to change data defining a preset phrase.



No Data

There is no data. The job could not be executed.





MIDI Data Error

Received improper MIDI data; the cable may be bad.



Checksum Error

Error receiving bulk data (incorrect checksum).



Buffer Full

MIDI Receive Buffer was full. All buffer contents cleared.



Now Running

Cannot receive bulk data while sequence is playing.



Data Exists

Cannot receive bulk data for song that already has data.



Bulk Ignored

Bulk data was received when the system was not in top of song mode.


Only l-song data for the QY10, 20 is acceptable. The received bulk data was not


the correct type.




No Disk

No disk in drive.



Illegal Format

Disk is not in MS-DOS format.



Bad Disk

Disk is damaged; cannot read data.



File Not Found

Unable to find the specified file.



Write Protected

Cannot write to disk: the disk’s write-protect tab is on.



Disk Full

Cannot write more data to disk: the disk’s data capacity (712K) or directory capac-


ity (112) is full.



Illegal File

Attempted to read file type not supported by QY300. (QY300 supports SMF and


ESEQ only.)



Can’t Change File Name

Attempted to change existing filename.




Memory Full

The sequencer’s memory is full. The sequencer cannot record more data; jobs


cannot execute.



Battery Low

The memory-backup battery is low; memory cannot be backed up.




Now Working

Restoring internal data. (This message may appear following Power On, immedi-


ately after the Greeting.)



Delete Old Data? (Yes/No)

Specified song or file already exists; load/save operation will delete existing data.



Can’t Undo. OK? (Yes/No)

Memory is too full to support Undo; execution will be irreversible.