Monitoring the Pattern While Patching
If you press the button while patching you can hear how the pattern sounds as the various phrases are added. Press the [F1] key (“Solo”) to hear only the phrase at which the cursor is currently located. Press [F1] a second
time to disengage the solo function. Press to stop playback.
See “The Pattern Jobs” on page 86 for details on the QY300’s pattern
jobs which allow considerable versatility in creating and modifying patterns.
Entering Rests
Press the [F4] key (“Rest”) to enter a rest in the measure at which the cursor is currently located. The rest will stop phrase playback until the end of the pattern or until the next phrase number is encountered in that track.
Clearing Phrases & Rests
Phrase numbers and rests can be cleared by placing the cursor at the appropriate phrase number or rest and pressing the [F5] key (“Clear”).
Exit From the Patch Mode When DonePress the [F6] key ("Exit") when the current section of the style is complete. The mute buttons for tracks which now contain phrases will appear as solid blocks, and the asterisks will disappear from the pattern name location (use the “Style Name” job (page 90) to enter an original style name.

Repeat the above procedure to complete the remaining sections of the style, as required.