•If the length of the
destination plus
appended pattern exceeds 8 measures (the maximum pattern length), the “Illegal
•This job does not copy voice or play effect data from the source style.
Appends the specified section of one style to the end of the specified section of a second style.
The upper “Style” parameter selects the source style — i.e. the style from which the data is to be copied: “001” ... “100”.
The upper “Section” parameter selects the source section — i.e. the section of the source style from which the data is to be copied: “Intro”, “MainA”, “MainB”, “FillAA”, “FillBB”, “FillAB”, “FillBA”, “Ending”.
The lower “Style” parameter selects the destination style — i.e. the style to which the data is to be appended: “001” ... “100”.
The lower “Section” parameter selects the destination style — i.e. the section of the destination style to which the data is to be appended: “Intro”, “MianA,, “MainB”, “Ending” Fills cannot be selected as the destination section since they can be only one measure in length.
After setting the parameters as required press [ENTER] to execute the Append Style job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while the data is being processed, then “Completed” will appear briefly when the job is done. Press the [F6] key (“Exit”) to return to the job list, or a mode key to go directly to the selected mode.
Splits a specified section of a specified style into two parts at the specified measure, and moves the latter half to the specified section of a specified style.