The last operation performed is “forgotten” by the UNDO job
whenever the SONG or PHRASE step reocrd mode is engaged, even if the step record mode is exited without acutally recording any data.
Press [ENTER] to execute the Undo/Redo job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while the data is being processed, then “Completed” will appear briefly when the job is done. Press the [F6] key (“Exit”) to return to the job list, or a mode key to go directly to the selected mode.
Copies all data from a specified track from one section of a specified style to the specified track of the specified section of any other specified style. This operation overwrites the data in the specified destination track with the data from the source track. Previous data in the overwritten track is therefore lost.
The upper “Style” parameter selects the source style — i.e. the style from which the data is to be copied: “001” ... “100”.
The upper “Section” parameter selects the source section — i.e. the section of the source style from which the data is to be copied: “Intro”, "MainA!", “MainB”, “FillAA”, “FillBB”, “FillAB”, “FillBA”, “Ending”, or “All” for all sections (the destination section is automatically set to “All” if “All” is selected here).
The upper “Track” parameter selects the source track — i.e. the track of the source section of the source style from which the data is to be copied: “1”
... “8” for individual tracks, or “All” for all tracks (the destination track is automatically set to “All” if “All” is selected here).
The lower “Style” parameter selects the destination style — i.e. the style to which the data is to be copied: “001” ... “100”.
The lower “Section” parameter selects the destination section — i.e. the section of the destination style to which the data is to be copied: “Intro”, “MainA”, “MainB”, “FillAA”, “FillBB”, “FillAB”, “FillBA”, “Ending”, or “All” for all sections. If “All” is selected, the same setting is automatically selected for the source section.
The lower “Track” parameter selects the destination track — i.e. the track of the destination section of the destination style to which the data is to be copied: “1” ... “8” for individual tracks, or “All” for all tracks. If “All” is selected, the same setting is automatically selected for the source track.
After setting the parameters as required press [ENTER] to execute the Copy Pattern job. The metronome icon will appear on the display while the data is being processed, then “Completed” will appear briefly when the job is done. Press the [F6] key (“Exit”) to return to the job list, or a mode key to go directly to the selected mode.
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