Set Time Signature and Phrase Length (new phrases only)

If you are recording a new phrase, move the cursor to the time signature and phrase length parameters and set as required.

The time signature and phrase length parameters can not be changed if the

selected phrase already contains data.

You can change the voice assignment later in the same way.

The “—” chord type can not be specified as the source chord.

Select a Voice

Move the cursor to the voice parameter and select the voice you want to record with.

Select the Source Chord

Move the cursor to the chord parameter and use the standard chord entry procedure to enter the “source chord” for the phrase you are recording (i.e. the chord on which the phrase is based). You can also enter “ON BASS” and “ORG BASS” specifications, as described on page 72. The source chord specification allows the QY300 to correctly re-harmonize the phrase when different chords are specified for the pattern in which the phrase is eventually used.


Press the

key to begin recording. The step record display shown below

will appear.