Performance Modes Score Mode

Score Mode

The Score Mode is assigned to TENORI-ON layers 1 — 7.

The Score Mode is selected by default when the power is turned on.

Score Mode Operation

In this mode the TENORI-ON interface functions like a musical "score" on which you can write the notes to be played in one musical measure via the 16 x 16 LED button matrix.

The "loop indicator" (four lit LED buttons in a vertical column) proceeds from left to right, and active notes will play when the loop indicator passes over them. Light animation will also occur for each note played. The loop indicator will loop back to the beginning once the right edge of the matrix is reached.

Press the [OK] button while the highlighted "STOP" indicator in the lower right corner of the LCD display is shown to temporarily pause loop playback. The loop indicator will stop at the position at which the [OK] button is pressed. Press the [OK] button a second time and loop playback will resume from the point at which it was paused. You can change the point from which playback will resume by moving the paused loop indicator to the desired position (press an LED button at the desired start position).


Setting the loop beginning and end points. (Master Loop Point Page 46, Loop Point Page 27)

Changing the loop indicator speed (beat speed). (Loop Speed Page 29, 51)

Turning the loop indicator off. (Loop Indicator Page 61)

Changing the light animation. (Animation Page 53)

The horizontal axis corresponds to time and the vertical axis corresponds to the pitch of the notes played. The factory default scale for the vertical axis is an ionian scale, corresponding to the white keys on a piano.


Selecting a scale other than the ionian scale. (Master Scale Page 44)

Changing octaves. (Octave Page 26)

If a drum voice is selected each note on the vertical axis does not correspond to a different pitch in the scale, but rather to a different instrument in the drum "kit." See "Voices" on Page 6.

Press an LED button briefly to play the sound assigned to it. If you hold the LED button a bit longer it will remain lit and will become an active note. Press and hold an active note to deactivate it (the LED button will go out).


The press-and-hold time for note entry can be changes as required. (Push Sensitivity Page 60)

The note length (gate time) can be changed as required. (Sound Length Page 25, 52)

TENORI-ON Manual 15