
NOTE: Printer specifications are subject to change without notice.

Media Handling

νTear-off mode: Labels are produced in strips.

νPeel-off mode: Labels are dispensed and peeled from the liner as needed.

νCutter mode: Labels are printed and individually cut.

νRewind mode: Labels are rewound internally.





νCutter tray

νMedia supply spindle (1.6”/40 mm core)

νMedia supply spindle (3”/76 mm core)

νDouble-hinged media door with clear panel

νApplicator interface

νReal time clock

νAdvance counter

νBar-One®Windows-based WYSIWYG on-screen label design and print application software

νIBM twinax interface

νIBM coax interface

νZebraNet PrintServer II, including Ethernet interface (10Base-T), WebView graphical setup and printer control, and Alert unsolicited error notification

νRS-485 interface

νFont cards

νDRAM memory expandable to 12 MB

νMemory cards

νProgrammable print speeds

νPrinter drivers for Windowsoperating systems

Zebra XiIII-Series User’s Guide