IES-1000 User’s Guide

ATU-C (atuc) stands for ADSL Termination Unit-Central and refers to downstream transmission and ATU-R (atur) stands for ADSL Termination Unit-Remote and refers to upstream transmission.

The profile is a table that contains information on ADSL line configuration. Each entry in this table reflects a parameter defined by a manager, which can be used to configure the ADSL line.

Note that the default value will be used for any of the above fields that are omitted.

The upstream rate must be less than or equal to the downstream rate.

Even though you can specify arbitrary numbers in the set profile command, the actual rate is always a multiple of 32 Kbps. If you enter a rate that is not a multiple of 32 Kbps, the actual rate will be the next lower multiple of 32Kbps. For instance, if you specify 60 Kbps for a port, the actual rate for that port will not exceed 32 Kbps, and if you specify 66 Kbps, the actual rate will not be over 64Kbps.

An example is shown next. adsl> set profile debug 800 8000

This command sets the maximum upstream transmission rate to 800 kbps and the maximum downstream transmission rate to 8000 kbps. None of the other settings are changed

7.5.13Delete Profile Command

Syntax: adsl> delete profile <name>


<name> = A profile name.

The delete profile command allows you to delete an individual profile by its name.

7.5.14List Profiles Command

Syntax: adsl> list profiles

The list profiles command displays all of the ADSL ports and that profile is assigned to each one.

An example is shown next. adsl> list profiles Profile 1 : DEFVAL

Profile 2 : debug

Port 1, Profile : DEFVAL

Port 2, Profile : DEFVAL

ADSL Commands
