ZyWALL 10/50 Internet Security Gateway

20.3.2 UNIX Syslog

The ZyWALL uses the UNIX syslog facility to log the CDR (Call Detail Record) and system messages to a syslog server. Syslog and accounting can be configured in Menu 24.3.2 - System Maintenance - Syslog and Accounting, as shown next.

Menu 24.3.2 - System Maintenance - UNIX Syslog and Accounting


Active= No

Syslog IP Address= ?

Log Facility= Local 1



Packet Triggered= No

Filter log= No

PPPlog= No Firewall log= No

Press ENTER to Confirm or ESC to Cancel

Figure 20-8 Menu 24.3.2 — System Maintenance — UNIX Syslog

You need to configure the UNIX syslog parameters described in the following table to activate syslog then choose what you want to log.

Table 20-3 System Maintenance Menu Syslog Parameters





UNIX Syslog:



Press [SPACE BAR] to turn syslog on or off.

Syslog IP Address

Enter the IP Address of the server that will log the CDR (Call Detail Record) and


system messages i.e., the syslog server.

Log Facility

Press [SPACE BAR] to select a Local option. The log facility allows you to log the


message to different files in the server. Please refer to your UNIX manual for more








Call Detail Record (CDR) logs all data phone line activity if set to Yes.

Packet triggered

The first 48 bytes or octets and protocol type of the triggering packet is sent to the


UNIX syslog server when this field is set to Yes.

System Information & Diagnosis
