Chapter 9 Wireless LAN

9.2.5 One-Touch Intelligent Security Technology (OTIST)

With ZyXEL’s OTIST, you set up the SSID and the encryption (WEP or WPA-PSK) on the ZyXEL Device. Then, the ZyXEL Device transfers them to the devices in the wireless networks. As a result, you do not have to set up the SSID and encryption on every device in the wireless network.

The devices in the wireless network have to support OTIST, and they have to be in range of the ZyXEL Device when you activate it. See Section 9.6 on page 140 for more details.

9.3 Wireless Performance Overview

The following sections introduce different ways to improve the performance of the wireless network.

9.3.1 Quality of Service (QoS)

You can turn on Wi-Fi MultiMedia (WMM) QoS to improve the performance of voice and video applications in the wireless network. QoS gives high priority to voice and video, which makes them run more smoothly. Similarly, it gives low priority to many large file downloads so that they do not reduce the quality of other applications.

9.3.2 Wireless Distribution System (WDS)

The ZyXEL Device can act as a wireless network bridge and establish up to four WDS (Wireless Distribution System) links with other APs. You need to know the MAC addresses of the APs you want to link to. Once the security settings of peer sides match one another, the connection between devices is made.

At the time of writing, WDS security is compatible with other ZyXEL access points only. Refer to your other access point’s documentation for details.

The following example illustrates how the WDS link works. Notebook computer A is a wireless client connecting to access point AP-1. AP-1has no wired Internet connection, but can establish a WDS link with access point AP-2, which does. When AP-1has a WDS link with AP-2, the notebook computer can access the Internet through AP-2.

Figure 67 Example of a WDS Link



P-2602HWLNI User’s Guide