Cisco Systems ONS 15600 SDH manual DLP-F335 Preprovision an SFP, 18-35

Page 35

Chapter 18 DLPs F300 to F399

DLP- F335 Preprovision an SFP

DLP-F335 Preprovision an SFP


This procedure preprovisions Small Form-factor Pluggables (SFPs), which


are referred to as pluggable port modules (PPMs) in CTC. Cisco-approved


STM-1, STM-4, STM-16, Ethernet, and multirate PPMs are compatible


with the ONS 15600 SDH. See the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Reference


Manual for a list of acceptable SFPs.



Prerequisite Procedures


Required/As Needed

As needed


Onsite or remote

Security Level

Provisioning or higher

Note If you preprovision a multirate SFP, you must next select the line rate using the “DLP-F390 Provision an Optical Line Rate and Wavelength” task on page 18-103.

Step 1 Complete the “DLP-F181 Log into CTC” task on page 16-34to log into an ONS 15600 SDH on the network.

Step 2 Click the Alarms tab:

a.Verify that the alarm filter is not turned on. See the “DLP-F288 Disable Alarm Filtering” task on page 17-78as necessary.

b.Verify that no unexplained conditions appear on the network. If unexplained conditions appear, resolve them before continuing. Refer to the Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Troubleshooting Guide for procedures to clear alarms.

c.Complete the “DLP-F379 Export CTC Data” task on page 18-88to export alarm and condition information.

Step 3 In node view, double-click the ASAP card where you want to provision PPM settings. Step 4 Click the Provisioning > Pluggable Port Modules tabs.

Step 5 In the Pluggable Port Modules pane, click Create. The Create PPM dialog box appears. Step 6 In the Create PPM dialog box, complete the following:

PPM—Click the slot number where you want to preprovision the SFP from the drop-down list.

PPM Type—Click the number of ports supported by your SFP from the drop-down list. If only one port is supported, PPM (1 port) is the only option.

Step 7 Click OK. The newly created port appears on the Pluggable Port Modules pane. The row on the Pluggable Port Modules pane turns light blue and the Actual Equipment Type column lists the preprovisioned PPM as unknown until the actual SFP is installed. After the SFP is installed, the row on the pane turns white and the column lists the equipment name.

Step 8 Verify that the PPM appears in the list on the Pluggable Port Modules pane. If it does not, repeat Steps 5 through 8.

Step 9 On the Provisioning tab, click the Line subtab. If applicable for the PPM you are preprovisioning, use the Reach and Wavelength columns to configure these parameters as needed.



Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Procedure Guide, R8.0







October 2007









Image 35
Contents 18-1 DLP-F300 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for Sncp Configurations18-2 DLP-F302 Change Tunnel Type18-3 DLP-F303 Delete Overhead CircuitsClick the Provisioning Overhead Circuits tabs 18-4 DLP-F304 Repair an IP Tunnel18-5 J1 Function CardsSelecting the Edit Path Trace Option 18-618-7 18-8 DLP-F306 Provision Path Trace on STM-N PortsClick Circuits 18-9 DLP-F307 Create Login Node GroupsClick the Login Node Group tab Click Create Group18-10 Tools18-11 DLP-F310 Change the JRE Version18-12 DLP-F311 Remove Pass-through Connections18-13 DLP-F312 Delete a Node from a Specified Login Node GroupDLP-F313 Change a Circuit Service State 18-14 DLP-F314 Provision MS-DCC Terminations18-15 Node view, click the Provisioning Comm Channels MS-DCC tabs18-16 DLP-F315 Provision a Proxy TunnelClick the Provisioning Network Proxy subtabs 18-17 DLP-F316 Provision a Firewall TunnelClick the Provisioning Network Firewall subtabs 18-18 DLP-F317 Delete a Proxy TunnelDLP-F318 Delete a Firewall Tunnel Click the Provisioning Comm Channels MS-DCC tabs DLP-F319 Change an RS-DCC TerminationDLP-F320 Change an MS-DCC Termination Click the Provisioning Comm Channels RS-DCC tabs18-20 DLP-F321 Delete an RS-DCC TerminationDLP-F322 Delete an MS-DCC Termination Node view, click the Provisioning Comm Channel RS-DCC tabs18-21 Click the Provisioning Comm Channel MS-DCC tabs18-22 DLP-F324 Provision Asap Ethernet PortsClick the Provisioning Ethernet Ports tabs 18-23 DLP-F325 Provision Asap POS PortsClick the Performance Ethernet Ether Ports Statistics tabs Click the Provisioning Ethernet POS Ports tabs18-24 DLP-F326 View Asap STM-N PM ParametersClick the Performance Ethernet POS Ports Statistics tabs Click the Performance Optical tabs Figure18-25 DLP-F327 View Asap Ether Ports Statistics PM ParametersEther Ports Statistics in the Card View Performance Window 18-2618-27 DLP-F328 View Asap Ether Ports Utilization PM Parameters18-28 DLP-F329 View Asap POS Ports Statistics PM Parameters18-29 DLP-F330 View Asap POS Ports Utilization PM Parameters18-30 DLP-F331 View Asap POS Ports History PM Parameters18-31 DLP-F332 Change Node Access and PM Clearing Privilege18-32 18-33 DLP-F333 Install the Asap Carrier Modules18-34 DLP-F334 Verify Pass-Through Circuits18-35 DLP-F335 Preprovision an SFP18-36 DLP-F336 Print CTC Data18-37 DLP-F337 View Asap Ether Ports History PM Parameters18-38 18-39 Click the Provisioning MS-SPRing tabsClick Create MS-SPRing 18-40 DLP-F339 Create a Two-Fiber MS-SPRing Manually18-41 DLP-F340 Change an MS-SPRing Node ID18-42 DLP-F341 MS-SPRing Exercise Ring Test18-43 DLP-F342 MS-SPRing Switch Test18-44 Click the Maintenance MS-SPRing tabsClick Retrieve 18-45 18-46 18-47 DLP-F344 Initiate an MS-SPRing Manual Ring SwitchDLP-F343 Provision an STM-N Circuit Route 18-48 DLP-F345 Clear an MS-SPRing Manual Ring SwitchOnsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher 18-49 DLP-F346 Create an MS-SPRing on a Single Node18-50 DLP-F347 Initiate an MS-SPRing Force Ring Switch18-51 DLP-F348 View Circuit InformationSncp 2F-PCADRI PCA18-53 18-54 PendingmergeDroppending 18-55 11 Connecting Fiber to a Four-Node, Two-Fiber MS-SPRing18-56 DLP-F350 Delete an MS-SPRing from a Single Node12 Selecting Single Roll Attributes 18-5714 Selecting a New Endpoint 18-5815 Viewing the Rolls Tab 18-5918-60 18-61 18-62 Click the Circuits tab17 Selecting Dual Roll Attributes 18-6318-64 18 Setting Roll Routing Preferences18-65 18-66 18-67 18-68 18-69 DLP-F356 Delete a RollClick the Circuits Rolls tabs 18-70 DLP-F357 Cancel a RollDLP-F358 Provision a Multirate PPM 18-71 DLP-F359 Change the Optical Line RateClick the Provisioning Pluggable Port Modules tabs 18-72 DLP-F360 Delete a PPM18-73 DLP-F361 Provision OSI Routing Mode18-74 Node view, click the Provisioning OSI Tarp Config tabsDLP-F362 Provision or Modify Tarp Operating Parameters 18-75 18-76 Node view, click the Provisioning OSI Tarp Static TDC tabsClick Add Static Entry 18-77 DLP-F365 Add a Tarp Manual Adjacency Table EntryClick Delete Static Entry 18-78 Click the Provisioning OSI Routers Setup tabsDLP-F366 Provision OSI Routers 18-79 DLP-F368 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN InterfaceDLP-F367 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses 18-80 DLP-F369 Create an IP-Over-CLNS TunnelClick the Provisioning OSI Tunnels tabs 18-81 DLP-F370 Remove a Tarp Manual Adjacency Table Entry18-82 DLP-F371 Change the OSI Routing Mode18-83 DLP-F372 Edit the OSI Router Configuration18-84 DLP-F373 Edit the OSI Subnetwork Point of AttachmentDLP-F374 Edit an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel Node view, click the Provisioning OSI Routers Subnet tabs18-85 DLP-F375 Delete an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel18-86 DLP-F376 View IS-IS Routing Information Base18-87 DLP-F377 View ES-IS Routing Information BaseDLP-F378 Manage the Tarp Data Cache 18-88 DLP-F379 Export CTC Data19 Selecting CTC Data for Export 18-8918-90 DLP-F380 Configure the Node for Radius Authentication20 Radius Server Tab 18-9118-92 DLP-F381 Delete a Server TrailClick the Provisioning Server Trails tabs 18-93 DLP-F383 Download an Alarm Severity ProfileDLP-F382 Grant Superuser Privileges to a Provisioning User 18-94 18-95 DLP-F384 Install the Asap 1PIO and 4PIO PIM Modules22 1PIO Module Faceplate 18-9618-97 DLP-F385 Consolidate Links in Network View18-98 24shows a network view with unconsolidated DCC and PPC links18-99 ALLDwdm GCC, OTS, PPC TDM 18-100 DLP-F386 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap SizeDLP-F387 Install an SFP/XFP 18-101 DLP-F388 Remove an SFP/XFP18-102 DLP-F389 Remove a 1PIO or 4PIO PIM ModuleClick the Provisioning Optical Line tabs DLP-F390 Provision an Optical Line Rate and WavelengthAsap 4PIO 1PIO18-104 DLP-F391 Install Alarm Wires on the CAP/CAP2CAP/CAP2 27 Rear of the ONS 15600 SDH, Including the CAP/CAP2 18-10528 CAP/CAP2 Faceplate and Connections 18-10618-107 DLP-F392 Change Line Transmission Settings for STM-N Cards18-108 SF BERSD BER 18-109 Sonet18-110 SetsSTU 18-111 DLP-F393 Change Threshold Settings for STM-N Ports18-112 18-113 DLP-F394 Change Optics Threshold Settings for STM-N Ports18-114 Refresh18-115 DLP-F395 Change the STM-N Port ALS Maintenance SettingsClick the Maintenance ALS tabs 18-116 DLP-F396 Clear All PM Thresholds18-117 DLP-F397 Provision the Designated Socks Servers18-118 18-119 18-120