Cisco Systems ONS 15600 SDH manual DLP-F340 Change an MS-SPRing Node ID, 18-41

Page 41

Chapter 18 DLPs F300 to F399

DLP- F340 Change an MS-SPRing Node ID

East Line—Assign the east MS-SPRing port for the node from the drop-down list.

Step 5 Click OK.

Note Some or all of the following alarms will appear until all the MS-SPRing nodes are provisioned: E-W MISMATCH, RING MISMATCH, APSCIMP, APSDFLTK, and MSSP-OOSYNC. The alarms will clear after you configure all the nodes in the MS-SPRing.

Step 6 From the View menu, choose Go to Other Node.

Step 7 In the Select Node dialog box, choose the next node that you want to add to the MS-SPRing.

Step 8 Repeat Steps 1 through 7 at each node that you want to add to the MS-SPRing. When all nodes have been added, continue with Step 9.

Step 9 From the View menu, choose Go to Network View. After 10 to 15 seconds, verify the following:

A green span line appears between all BLSR nodes.


Step 10 Return to your originating procedure (NTP).

DLP-F340 Change an MS-SPRing Node ID



This task changes an MS-SPRing node ID.





Prerequisite Procedures

DLP-F181 Log into CTC, page 16-34


Required/As Needed

As needed



Onsite or remote


Security Level

Provisioning or higher



Step 1

From the View menu, choose Go to Network View.

Step 2

On the network map, double-click the node with the node ID you want to change.

Step 3

From node view, click the Provisioning > MS-SPRingtabs.

Step 4

Choose a Node ID number. Do not choose a number already assigned to another node in the same




Step 5

Click Apply.


Step 6

Return to your originating procedure (NTP).






Cisco ONS 15600 SDH Procedure Guide, R8.0







October 2007









Image 41
Contents 18-1 DLP-F300 Install Fiber-Optic Cables for Sncp Configurations18-2 DLP-F302 Change Tunnel Type18-3 DLP-F303 Delete Overhead CircuitsClick the Provisioning Overhead Circuits tabs 18-4 DLP-F304 Repair an IP Tunnel18-5 J1 Function CardsSelecting the Edit Path Trace Option 18-618-7 18-8 DLP-F306 Provision Path Trace on STM-N PortsClick Circuits Click the Login Node Group tab DLP-F307 Create Login Node GroupsClick Create Group 18-918-10 Tools18-11 DLP-F310 Change the JRE Version18-12 DLP-F311 Remove Pass-through Connections18-13 DLP-F312 Delete a Node from a Specified Login Node GroupDLP-F313 Change a Circuit Service State 18-14 DLP-F314 Provision MS-DCC Terminations18-15 Node view, click the Provisioning Comm Channels MS-DCC tabs18-16 DLP-F315 Provision a Proxy TunnelClick the Provisioning Network Proxy subtabs 18-17 DLP-F316 Provision a Firewall TunnelClick the Provisioning Network Firewall subtabs 18-18 DLP-F317 Delete a Proxy TunnelDLP-F318 Delete a Firewall Tunnel DLP-F320 Change an MS-DCC Termination DLP-F319 Change an RS-DCC TerminationClick the Provisioning Comm Channels RS-DCC tabs Click the Provisioning Comm Channels MS-DCC tabsDLP-F322 Delete an MS-DCC Termination DLP-F321 Delete an RS-DCC TerminationNode view, click the Provisioning Comm Channel RS-DCC tabs 18-2018-21 Click the Provisioning Comm Channel MS-DCC tabs18-22 DLP-F324 Provision Asap Ethernet PortsClick the Provisioning Ethernet Ports tabs Click the Performance Ethernet Ether Ports Statistics tabs DLP-F325 Provision Asap POS PortsClick the Provisioning Ethernet POS Ports tabs 18-23Click the Performance Ethernet POS Ports Statistics tabs DLP-F326 View Asap STM-N PM ParametersClick the Performance Optical tabs Figure 18-2418-25 DLP-F327 View Asap Ether Ports Statistics PM ParametersEther Ports Statistics in the Card View Performance Window 18-2618-27 DLP-F328 View Asap Ether Ports Utilization PM Parameters18-28 DLP-F329 View Asap POS Ports Statistics PM Parameters18-29 DLP-F330 View Asap POS Ports Utilization PM Parameters18-30 DLP-F331 View Asap POS Ports History PM Parameters18-31 DLP-F332 Change Node Access and PM Clearing Privilege18-32 18-33 DLP-F333 Install the Asap Carrier Modules18-34 DLP-F334 Verify Pass-Through Circuits18-35 DLP-F335 Preprovision an SFP18-36 DLP-F336 Print CTC Data18-37 DLP-F337 View Asap Ether Ports History PM Parameters18-38 18-39 Click the Provisioning MS-SPRing tabsClick Create MS-SPRing 18-40 DLP-F339 Create a Two-Fiber MS-SPRing Manually18-41 DLP-F340 Change an MS-SPRing Node ID18-42 DLP-F341 MS-SPRing Exercise Ring Test18-43 DLP-F342 MS-SPRing Switch Test18-44 Click the Maintenance MS-SPRing tabsClick Retrieve 18-45 18-46 18-47 DLP-F344 Initiate an MS-SPRing Manual Ring SwitchDLP-F343 Provision an STM-N Circuit Route 18-48 DLP-F345 Clear an MS-SPRing Manual Ring SwitchOnsite/Remote Onsite Security Level Provisioning or higher 18-49 DLP-F346 Create an MS-SPRing on a Single Node18-50 DLP-F347 Initiate an MS-SPRing Force Ring Switch18-51 DLP-F348 View Circuit InformationDRI 2F-PCAPCA Sncp18-53 18-54 PendingmergeDroppending 18-55 11 Connecting Fiber to a Four-Node, Two-Fiber MS-SPRing18-56 DLP-F350 Delete an MS-SPRing from a Single Node12 Selecting Single Roll Attributes 18-5714 Selecting a New Endpoint 18-5815 Viewing the Rolls Tab 18-5918-60 18-61 18-62 Click the Circuits tab17 Selecting Dual Roll Attributes 18-6318-64 18 Setting Roll Routing Preferences18-65 18-66 18-67 18-68 18-69 DLP-F356 Delete a RollClick the Circuits Rolls tabs 18-70 DLP-F357 Cancel a RollDLP-F358 Provision a Multirate PPM 18-71 DLP-F359 Change the Optical Line RateClick the Provisioning Pluggable Port Modules tabs 18-72 DLP-F360 Delete a PPM18-73 DLP-F361 Provision OSI Routing Mode18-74 Node view, click the Provisioning OSI Tarp Config tabsDLP-F362 Provision or Modify Tarp Operating Parameters 18-75 18-76 Node view, click the Provisioning OSI Tarp Static TDC tabsClick Add Static Entry 18-77 DLP-F365 Add a Tarp Manual Adjacency Table EntryClick Delete Static Entry 18-78 Click the Provisioning OSI Routers Setup tabsDLP-F366 Provision OSI Routers 18-79 DLP-F368 Enable the OSI Subnet on the LAN InterfaceDLP-F367 Provision Additional Manual Area Addresses 18-80 DLP-F369 Create an IP-Over-CLNS TunnelClick the Provisioning OSI Tunnels tabs 18-81 DLP-F370 Remove a Tarp Manual Adjacency Table Entry18-82 DLP-F371 Change the OSI Routing Mode18-83 DLP-F372 Edit the OSI Router ConfigurationDLP-F374 Edit an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel DLP-F373 Edit the OSI Subnetwork Point of AttachmentNode view, click the Provisioning OSI Routers Subnet tabs 18-8418-85 DLP-F375 Delete an IP-Over-CLNS Tunnel18-86 DLP-F376 View IS-IS Routing Information Base18-87 DLP-F377 View ES-IS Routing Information BaseDLP-F378 Manage the Tarp Data Cache 18-88 DLP-F379 Export CTC Data19 Selecting CTC Data for Export 18-8918-90 DLP-F380 Configure the Node for Radius Authentication20 Radius Server Tab 18-9118-92 DLP-F381 Delete a Server TrailClick the Provisioning Server Trails tabs 18-93 DLP-F383 Download an Alarm Severity ProfileDLP-F382 Grant Superuser Privileges to a Provisioning User 18-94 18-95 DLP-F384 Install the Asap 1PIO and 4PIO PIM Modules22 1PIO Module Faceplate 18-9618-97 DLP-F385 Consolidate Links in Network View18-98 24shows a network view with unconsolidated DCC and PPC links18-99 ALLDwdm GCC, OTS, PPC TDM 18-100 DLP-F386 Adjust the Java Virtual Memory Heap SizeDLP-F387 Install an SFP/XFP 18-101 DLP-F388 Remove an SFP/XFP18-102 DLP-F389 Remove a 1PIO or 4PIO PIM ModuleAsap 4PIO DLP-F390 Provision an Optical Line Rate and Wavelength1PIO Click the Provisioning Optical Line tabs18-104 DLP-F391 Install Alarm Wires on the CAP/CAP2CAP/CAP2 27 Rear of the ONS 15600 SDH, Including the CAP/CAP2 18-10528 CAP/CAP2 Faceplate and Connections 18-10618-107 DLP-F392 Change Line Transmission Settings for STM-N Cards18-108 SF BERSD BER 18-109 Sonet18-110 SetsSTU 18-111 DLP-F393 Change Threshold Settings for STM-N Ports18-112 18-113 DLP-F394 Change Optics Threshold Settings for STM-N Ports18-114 Refresh18-115 DLP-F395 Change the STM-N Port ALS Maintenance SettingsClick the Maintenance ALS tabs 18-116 DLP-F396 Clear All PM Thresholds18-117 DLP-F397 Provision the Designated Socks Servers18-118 18-119 18-120