6 – Solaris SPARC Driver Installation FCode
13.The pkgadd program then installs the SDM library, if selected in step 8. A script warning is posted, asking whether to continue the installation. For example:
Processing package instance <QLSDMLIB> from </tmpdir/qla2300_pkg>
QLogic SDM Library
(sparc) Solaris
Copyright (c) 2003, by QLogic Corporation. All rights reserved.
##Processing package information.
##Processing system information.
##Verifying disk space requirements.
##Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
##Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
This package contains scripts which will be executed with
Do you want to continue with the installation of <QLSDMLIB> [y,n,?] y
14.Type y and press ENTER to continue the driver installation. The pkgadd program notifies you when the SDM library installation is complete. For example:
Installing QLogic SDM Library as <QLSDMLIB>
##Installing part 1 of 1. /tmp/hba.conf /usr/lib/libqlsdm.a /usr/lib/libqlsdm.so
[ verifying class <none> ]
##Executing postinstall script. Setting up QLSDM library...
Installation of <QLSDMLIB> was successful.
15. Type the following text to reboot and reconfigure the system:
16.See the README.TXT file in the Solaris directory (on the SANsurfer Management Suite
If you need FCode, see the appropriate section for instructions on how to install or update the FCode on the QCP/QSB23xx board.