About This Guide
■Where to Find Additional Information
Additional information about the complete line of Sun StorageTek products and services is provided through various media, as described below.
Reference Documents
The VSM5 Virtual Tape Storage Subsystem (VTSS) is one of several hardware and soft- ware components that link together to create the VSM5 system. Besides this document, it may be useful to consult some or all of the reference documents listed below to complete planning, system assurance, installation, and service tasks for other VSM components de- signed for a specific customer site.
Document Name and Part Number | Availability |
VSM Hardware |
VTSS for VSM5 – Planning and System Assurance Guide, 96257 | 1 |
VTSS for VSM5 – Installation and Service Guide, 96254 | 1 |
T9x40 Tape Drive Planning and Migration Guide, MT6004 | 1 |
Nearline Physical Planning Guide, ML0041 | 1 |
Nearline Enterprise 9310/4410/9360 LSM System Assurance Guide, ML6500 | 1 |
TimberWolf 9740 Library Storage Module System Assurance Guide, MT5100 | 1 |
VSM Software |
VTCS n.n * Quick Reference Guide | 1, 2 |
VTCS n.n * Installation and Configuration Guide | 1, 2 |
VTCS n.n * Administrator’s Guide | 1, 2 |
VTCS n.n * Command and Utility Reference | 1, 2 |
VTCS n.n * Messages and Codes | 1, 2 |
VTCS n.n * XML Reference | 1, 2 |
Remote Service and Support |
Service Delivery Platform System Assurance Guide | 1, 3 |
Service Delivery Platform Installation and Configuration Guide | 1, 3 |
1. Sun StorageTek Customer Resource Center (CRC) website: www.support.storagetek.com.
2. Sun StorageTek Software Manufacturing and Distribution – Web: www.support.storagetek.com, then under CRC Tools click Software Manufacturing and Distribution;
3. Sun StorageTek Hardware Manual Scheduling – Phone: 1.303.673.6241.
• * Use documents labeled as version 6.0 or higher, which is the minimum host software level required for compatibil- ity with VTSS
xx | Sun Confidential: Internal Only | 96257 |
| Revision A |