Implementation Planning | 3 |
This chapter provides an overview of implementation planning activities and tasks, which are designed to ensure a VSM5 system is properly configured, tested, and certified ac- cording to customer requirements.
Table 3-1.Implementation Planning Overview
Key | Key | Key Participants |
| • Define plan for integrating other devic- |
| es and systems with the VSM5 system |
| • Define plan for migrating data from oth- |
| er devices and systems to the VSM5 |
| • Determine default settings for the |
| VSM5 system |
| • Define plan for configuring and manag- |
| ing system hardware (channel resourc- |
• Select implementation planning team | es, physical disk, RTDs, etc.) | • Customer: network adminis- |
• Define plan for configuring and manag- | trator; system administrator; | |
members, and define roles and respon- | ing VSM5 system software (ExPR, Ex- | data center manager; system |
sibilities. | LM, HSC, MVS, NCS, VTCS, etc.) | operator |
• Schedule and attend implementation | • Define policies for configuring and | • Sun: professional services |
planning meetings. | managing VSM5 system virtual enti- | personnel (delivery consult- |
• Determine task completion priorities | ties (CLINKs, Nearlinks, VACSs, VTDs, | ant; systems support special- |
and scheduling. | VTVs, etc.) | ist; technical support special- |
| • Define plan for performance tuning, | ist; systems engineer) |
| testing, and certification of the VSM5 |
| system |
| • Assess personnel requirements for |
| |
| training; facilitate scheduling and com- |
| pletion of training activities. |
| • Complete applicable Appendix D work- |
| sheets |
96257 | Sun Confidential: Internal Only | |
| Revision A |