relative humidity. The amount of moisture in the air, as compared with the maximum amount of humidity that the air could contain at the same temperature; expressed as a percentage.
relocation. The process of physically moving VTSS units within a same site or immediate area without the use of packing materials. Contrast with deinstallation.
remote customer service engineer (RCSE). A Global Services RRC person who receives customer and CSE calls, performs preliminary diagnostic tasks, evaluates failure situations, and dispatches CSEs to customer sites for repairs and maintenance.
remote diagnostics. See Service Delivery Platform. remote maintenance. See Service Delivery Platform.
Remote Resolution Center (RRC). A Sun StorageTek Global Services group that is available 24 x 7 x 365 to handle customer requests for service and to provide technical support and remote problem resolution. Com- prised of Tier 1, Tier 2, Tier 3
resistance. (1) The property of an electrical conductor that specifies the ability of an electrical current to flow through it, using ohms (Ω) as the unit of measurement.
(2)The parameter describing the
RRC. See Remote Resolution Center.
RTD. See real tape drive.
SAN. Storage area network. A storage networking con- figuration that optimizes communications between vari- ous hosts, applications, and disk or tape storage sys- tems.
SAP. Systems Applications and Products.
scalability. An ability to easily change in size or configu- ration to suit changing conditions.
SCSI. Small Computer System Interface. A
SDP. See Service Delivery Platform.
SE. See systems engineer.
serial. One at a time. A serial interface transmits one bit of data at a time over one line. Contrast with parallel.
serial access. A method of storing and retrieving infor- mation in sequence, as on magnetic tape media. To ac- cess file or piece of information, magnetic tape must be wound or unwound to the point where the data is stored. Contrast with random access.
server. Computer hardware and software that is at- tached to a network and which automatically stores, pro- cesses, and transmits data or information that is general- ly accessed by many people using client programs. See also client/server.
Service Delivery Platform (SDP). A Sun StorageTek
maintenance and reporting system that allows field ma- chines to connect, via LAN/Ethernet over the Internet, or via modem over a telephone line, to a
severity code. A code that classifies the seriousness of an error condition.
SFL. Suspect FRU list.
SFP. Small
Siebel. A software tool used by Sun StorageTek that standardizes and automates certain tasks in the sales and ordering process, and which tracks customer orders in a centralized database.
SIM. Service Information Message. In VSM, a message generated by a host system console after it has received sense information from a VTSS indicating a need for ser- vice, repair, or customer action, or for the purpose of communicating status information.
simplex. Unidirectional; a
slot. Part of the physical location designator for each FRU in a unit. See unit.tray.slot.
SNMP. Simple Network Management Protocol. The In- ternet standard protocol for network management soft- ware. Using SNMP, programs called agents monitor de- vices on a network (hubs, routers, bridges, etc.). Another program collects the data from the monitoring operations into a database called a management information base (MIB). This data is used to check if all devices on the net- work are operating properly.
Solaris. A
spare. A VTSS device physically located in the VTSS but not logically associated with an array. Spares are used to automatically reconstruct and logically replace failed devices.
spares partition. A partition state for extra (spare) VTSS disk array devices that are not used to store user data, nor included in a redundancy group, but that are avail- able for automatic reconstruction of failed devices in re- dundancy groups. Contrast with media acceptance test partition, production partition, unavailable partition.
SSA. Serial Storage Architecture. SSID. Subsystem identifier.
storage cluster. A VTSS functional partition that exists on a cluster motherboard, comprised of a multipath stor- age director, shared memory, and a support facility.
storage path. Also called a control region. Hardware within a controller that transfers data between the chan- nels and disk storage devices. See multipath storage di- rector.
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