Peavey CC 1800, CC 4000, CC 2800 owner manual Operation modes, Stereo, Parallel, Bridged mono

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operation modes 4


For stereo (dual channel) operation, turn the amplifier off and set the mode select switch to the stereo position. In this mode, both channels operate independently of each other, with their input attenuators controlling their respective levels. Thus, a signal at channel A’s input produces an amplified signal at channel A’s output, while a signal at channel B’s input produces an amplified signal at channel B’s output.


For parallel (dual-channel/single input) operation, turn the amplifier off and set the mode switch in the parallel position; both amplifier channels are then driven by the signal at channel A’s input. No jumper wires are needed. Output connections are the same as in the stereo mode. Channel A’s and channel B’s input connectors are strapped together to allow patching to another amplifier. Both input attenuators remain active, allowing you to set different levels for each channel. Power and other general performance specifications are the same as in the stereo mode.

bridged mono

Both amplifier channels can be bridged together to make a very powerful single-channel monaural amplifier. Use extreme caution when operating in the bridged mode; potentially lethal voltage may be present at the output terminals. To bridge the amplifier, turn the amplifier off and slide the rear panel amplifier mode select switch to the bridge position. Apply the signal to channelA’s input and connect the speakers across the hot outputs which are either the “+” binding posts of channels A and B. Alternately connect across pins “1+POS” and “2+NEG” of the channel A Speakon® connector. As with parallel operation, both input connectors are strapped together to drive the input of another amplifier.

Unlike the stereo and parallel modes, in which one side of each output is at ground, in the bridged mode both sides are hot. Channel A’s side is the same polarity as the input.The minimum nominal load impedance in the bridged mode is 4 ohms which is equivalent to driving both channels at 2 ohms. Driving bridged loads of less than 4 ohms will activate the ACL circuitry resulting in a loss of power, and may also cause a thermal overload.

When operating in the bridged mode, both attenuators must be in the same position so the speaker load will be equally shared between the channels.



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Contents Cctm Power Amplifier Page Important Safety Instructions Bewahren SIE Diese Sicherheitshinweise AUF Gardez CES Instructions Guarde Estas Instrucciones Important precautions Table of contents 1how to use this manual ConventionsIntroduction WelcomeInstallation Connecting powerUnpacking MountingOperating precautions Connecting inputsConnecting outputs Cooling requirements Features overview Front panel Switches and controls IndicatorsIEC power connector Mode Select SwitchGain Select Switch Rear panelOperation modes StereoParallel Bridged mono5protection features Autoramp signal control Protection featuresTurn-on/turn-off protection Amplifier maintenance and user responsibility SafetySpeaker protection Support Service and support7Contact us Specifications Cctm SeriesSpecifications a 28004000 Wire gauge b Wire gauge Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise Inhalt Handhabung dieser Bedienungsanleitung s.21 Einführung s.22Erklärungen zum Gebrauch Einführung Herzlich willkommenMontage AuspackenNetzanschluss Kühlanforderungen Sicherheitshinweise für den BetriebAnschluss der Eingänge Anschluss der AusgängeÜbersicht über die Funktionen Vorderseite Schalter und Regler AnzeigenRückseite IEC-NetzbuchseModuswahlschalter Gain-WahlschalterBetriebsmodi Schutzfunktionen IGM-ImpedanzermittlungThermoschutz KurzschlussAUTORAMP-Signalregelung Ein-/AusschaltschutzLautsprecherschutz SicherheitWartung des Verstärkers und Verantwortung des Anwenders Unterstützung KontaktKundendienst Technische UnterstützungTechnische Daten KühlungTechnische Daten a CC TM Bedienungsanleitung Drahtdicke b Drahtdicke 5feet 10feet 40feet 80feetPrécautions importantes Table des matières Systèmes de protection p.49Comment utiliser ce manuel Bienvenue Déballage Installation2Connecter l’alimentation Refroidissement nécéssaire Précautions d’emploiConnecter les entrées de votre unité Inputs Connecter les sorties de votre unité OutputsCaractéristiques générales 3Caractéristiques générales Indicateurs,témoinsSélecteur de mode Caractéristiques générales3Panneau arrière Câble d’alimentation IECMode pont bridge 4Modes OpératoiresStéréo ParallèleSystèmes de protection5 Protection de Mise Sous/Hors Tension Systèmes de protectionSystème Autoramp contrôle de montée en puissance Sécurité6 Maintenance et responsabilité de l’usagerProtection des Haut-Parleurs Service client Service techniqueDépannage Nous contacterSpécifications a Spécifications Sensibilitée d’entréeSpécifications a Diamètres de câbles Diamètres de câbles b Precauciones importantes Tabla de contenidos Características de protección p.681Cómo usar este manual ConvencionesIntroducción Bienvenido2Instalación DesempaquetadoMontaje Suministrando alimentaciónInstalación Requisitos de enfriamientoPrecauciones de operación Conectando entradas3Repaso de las características Cctm Manual de usuario Panel frontal Interruptores y controles Repaso de las característicasIndicadores Panel trasero Conector de alimentación IECInterruptor Selector de Modo Interruptor Selector de GananciaModos de operación PareleloLimitación automática de la saturación ACL Sensibilidad de impedancia IGMProtección térmica Corto circuitoProtección encendido/apagado Control de señal AutorampProtección del altavoz SeguridadMantenimiento del amplficador y responsabilidad del usuario Soporte Asistencia y soporteContáctenos Especificaciones 1800Especificaciones a CC TM Manual de usuario Calibre de cable b Calibre de cable 2005