Erase Operation
2.6 Erase Operation
The erase operation of the 'F20x/F24x flash module prepares the flash array for programming and enables reprogrammability of the flash array. Before the array can be erased, all bits must be programmed to 0s. This procedure of pro- gramming all array locations in preparation for the erase is called clearing the array. During the erase, all bits in the array are changed from 0s to 1s. After the erase is finished, a depletion mode test is made to determine whether any bits have been
An erase pulse is the time during the erase operation between the setting and the clearing of the EXE bit ( bit 0 of SEG_CTR). During the erase pulse, the level on all array bits is modified via the erase mechanism.
Erasing the flash array is a block operation. During the erase pulse, all array bits are affected simultaneously. (See Figure 2±1, Flash Memory Logic Lev- els During Programming and Erasing, on page
The erase operation uses the VER1 read mode to determine when erasure is complete. After erasure is complete, the