NAD NAD 517 Case of Difficulty a TROUBLE-SHOOTING Guide, HOW to Check the Program Contents

Page 10


d) Press the PLAY button

- The first programmed track starts to play


-Disc and track numbers cannot be selected during programmed play.

-The DISC SKIP button cannot be used during pro- grammed play.



1.Press the STOP button.

2.Press the REVIEW button to view the contents of the program memory.

3.Each time the REVIEW button is pressed, the contents are shown in the DISC NUMBER, TRACK NUMBER and TIME displays.

4.If the REVIEW button is pressed and held down, the display shows the entire contents of the program memory, in numerical order, one selection at a time.

Adding Selections To a Program

When adding new selections to a program after programmed play is completed, or after checking the program contents.

1.Press the STOP button.

2.Press a DISC NO. button to select a disc number.

3.Press the “>>I” or I<<” button to select a track number.

4.Press the PROGRAM button.

To Cancel Programmed Play

1.Press the STOP button to end programmed play.

2.Press the CLEAR button to clear the program memory.

-The MEMORY indicator goes OFF.

3.During programmed play, if the CLEAR button is pressed, programmed play will end and normal play continues from that point.


The program memory is also cleared if the CD changer’s power is switched off.


If you have followed the instructions and are still having difficulty operating your compact disc player, locate the PROBLEM in the left hand column below. Check the corresponding POSSIBLE CAUSE and REMEDY columns to locate and solve the problem.




No power when the

Poor or no power plug connection

Insert the power plug firmly into

POWER button is set

at the AC outlet.

the AC outlet.

to ON.



Disc play does not start.

The disc is loaded upside down

Reload the disc with the label



side UP.


The disc is too dirty

Clean the disc.

No Sound.

Incorrect audio cable connections.

Connect the CD changer to the



amplifier/receiver correctly.


Incorrect amplifier/receiver operation

Make sure that the input



selector on your amplifier or



receiver is set to CD.

Sound Skips.

The CD changer is subject to vibration


or physical shock from external sources.

Programmed Play does not

The CD chager is in the normal play



Remote Control does not work

Batteries in Remote Control handset


have expired.


Object obscuring remote sensor on


the player

A"humming" sound can be heard.

Loose cable connections.

Change the installation location.

Press the STOP button, then enter a program.

Replace batteries.

Remove any objects directly in front of the player.

Check the cable connections particularly the phono connecting cables



Image 10 Contents
NAD Rear Panel Connections Figure Front Panel Controls Figure Remote Control Figure Line OUT Sockets For Safe and Efficient OperationBrown Live Operation of the Digital Compact Disc Changer Manual Search Music SkipRepeat Disc Play Remote Control Preview Disc PlayEdit Play Modes Changing a Program Changing the Tape LengthPlaying a Program Case of Difficulty a TROUBLE-SHOOTING Guide HOW to Check the Program ContentsLecteur DE Disques Compacts NAD 517 F Disques Compacts Fonctionnement DE L’AUTOCHANGEUR DE Disques COM- PactsRecherche Manuelle Saut DE PistesLecture Repetitive Repeat DES Disques Telecommande Lecture aléatoire Mise en place des pilesAccès direct à une piste donnée Création d’un programmeModes DE Lecture Avec Edition Lecture Programmee DES Disques Entree D’UN Programme a L’AIDE DE LA TelecommandeMode de lecture Aléatoire avec Edition Modification de la Longueur d’une BandeComment Verifier LE Contenu DU PRO- Gramme Modification D’UN ProgrammeLecture D’UN Programme Pour ajouter des sélections à un programme existantProbleme Cause Probable EN CAS DE Probleme UN Guide DE Recherche DES PannesRemede Warnung FÜR DEN Sicheren UND Effizienten BetriebLine OUT-BUCHSEN Ausgangsbuchsen AchtungNetzkabel Bedienung DES DIGITAL-CD- WechslersDigital Output Digitalausgang Einlegen Einer CDManuelle Suche Music Skip FortschaltenRepeat Disc Play CD-WIEDERGABE Wiederholen Fernbedienung Shuffle Play ZufallswiedergabeEINSEHEN/ABHÖREN Zufallswiedergabe MITHinweis Überspielung in Zufallswiedergabe Wiederholungswiedergabe Abhören der Einleitungen der CDsÜberspielung Änderung der BandspieldauerÄnderung Eines Programms Programmierte CD-WIEDERGABEEingabe Eines Programms Über DIE Fernbedienung Abspielen Eines ProgrammsIM Störungsfall Hinweise ZUR Fehlersuche Störung Mögliche Ursache BehebungPara Conectar EL Cambiador DE Para UN Funcionamiento Seguro Y EficientePeligro Precaucion LEA Esto Antes DE Hacer Funcionar SU EquipoFuncionamiento DEL Cambiador DE Discos Compactos Digitales Busqueda Manual Para Cambiar DE PistaRepeat Disc Play Para Repetir LA Escucha DE UN Disco Repeat Play Para Repetir LA Escucha Una Sola PistaControl Remoto Instalación de las PilasPara Escuchar Sin Orden Acceso Directo a una PistaPara Dar Entrada a un Programa Para Escuchar un Disco Programado Sin OrdenModos DE Escucha Selecta Edit Ajuste de Tiempo de Preview Revista PreviaPara Repetición de Escucha Pistas Programadas sin Orden Modo Edit de Escucha Sin OrdenPara Cambiar UN Programa Escucha DE Discos ProgramadosPara DAR Entrada a UN Programa Usando EL Control Remoto Para Escuchar UN ProgramaEN Caso DE Dificultad Guia Para Resolver Averias Para Cancelar la Escucha ProgramadaAdición de Selecciones a un Programa Scollegare PER Prima Cosa L’ALIMEN- Tazione PER UN Funzionamento Sicuro E PerfettoPericolo AttenzioneFunzionamento DEL Cambiadischi PER CD Digitali Compact DiscRicerca Manuale «MUSIC SKIP»Ripetere LA Riproduzione Telecomando «PREVIEW Disc PLAY» Modo di montaggio per riproduzione a mis- chiamento Modi «EDIT PLAY»Come modificare la lunghezza del nastro Come Entrare in UN Programma Impiegando IL Telecomando PER Cancellare L’ASCOLTO PROGRAM- Mato «PROGRAMMED PLAY»Ascolto Programmato DEL Disco Come Cambiare UN ProgrammaProblema Possibili Cause Rimedio Caso DI DIFFICOLTA’ Guida Alla Ricerca DEI GuastiDigital Utgång CD-SKIVORLinjeutgångar NätkabelHUR DU Använder DIN NAD 517 CD- Växlare Repeat Ett spår FjärrkontrollRepeat Alla spåren på skivorna i spelaren Repeat Alla lagrade spårPreview EDIT-lägen Slumpmässig spelning av programmerade spår i REPEAT-lägePREVIEW-spelning i REPEAT-läge Redigeringsläge för slumpmässig spelningFelsökningsguide Problem Möjlig Orsak Åtgärd Specification NAD 517 Multi PLE Play CD Player Remote ControlsLondon