Primary Screens
The Main Menu has eight primary screens. Please note that some screens have multiple pages because not all the information can fit on one page. To access the next page, highlight NEXT and press SELECT. To access the previous page, highlight PREV and press SELECT.
•Mimic Display. This graphic portrays the power flow through the UPS. Switch indications, system status, and alarm messages are all displayed on this screen. Detail screens can display input volt- age and current readings, battery status, and load characteristics and alarm info.
•Status Reports. This display consists of three
•Configuration. This screen displays the current configuration of the UPS system. It also enables the operator to reset the date, time,
•Manual Transfer. This screen specifies all of the steps required to manually transfer the critical load between the UPS and the bypass source. Comparisons of the voltage, frequency, and phase synchronization of the UPS output and the bypass line are also illustrated to aid in the transfer or retransfer procedure.
•Startup and Shutdown Procedures. These screens list
•Battery Management. These screens display information on battery self tests, battery equaliza- tion, and battery compensated charging. This enables the operator to immediately see the effects of load shedding on time remaining and to accurately assess his power resources. The battery equalize screen lets the operator change the battery equalize recharging mode from manual to automatic, and to observe or change the equalize time. Battery equalize charge voltage is higher than battery float (constant) charge voltage.
The manufacturers of the
Secondary Screens
The secondary screens show detailed information relating to the primary screens. These screens are illustrated below under each primary screen. Like the primary screens, the secondary screens may also consist of multiple pages. To get to the next page, highlight and Select the word NEXT. To return to the previous screen, highlight and Select the word PREV.
Module status information is available on the display screen when the Control Power is ON, even when the UPS module is not operating. The same system status information is also available at local and remote terminals. See 3.3.4 - Status Reports for information on status reports and 3.5 - Com- munication Interfaces for information on Operator communication interfaces.
If a module display screen is blank, either power is not available, the Rectifier Input (RIB) circuit breaker (external to the UPS module) is open, or the Control Power is OFF. If power is available and a display is blank, contact Liebert Global Services