Liebert 30-130kVA manual Routine Maintenance, Record Log, Air Filters, Battery Maintenance

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4.2Routine Maintenance

You are encouraged to become thoroughly familiar with the equipment, but at no time should you go beyond the specific procedures in this manual while performing maintenance or correcting a malfunc- tion. If you have any doubt as to what must be done, call Liebert Global Services at 1-800-LIEBERT for further instructions. The UPS is designed for unattended operation, but does require some com- mon sense maintenance.

• Keep good records.

• Troubleshooting is easier if you maintain historical service records.

• Keep it clean: Maintain the UPS free of dust and any moisture.

• Keep it cool:

• Battery systems must be kept in the range of 72-77° F (22-25° C) in order to meet design spec- ifications for capacity and longevity.

• The UPS will reliably meet all performance specifications at temperatures up to 104° F (40°C), and can be slightly derated for operation at even higher temperatures. However, per- formance and longevity will be optimized when the UPS is operated at the same temperature as the batteries.

• Keep connections tight.

• Tighten all connections at installation and at least annually thereafter. (See 4.2.5 - Torque Requirements).

4.2.1 Record Log

Set up a maintenance log to record scheduled checks and any abnormal conditions.

The log should have space for all metered data including phase readings, alarm messages, UPS mode of operation, air filter replacement date, and observation notes. A second log should be maintained for the battery module as directed by the battery manufacturer.

A periodic walk-through inspection of the UPS and battery rooms is advised to check for visible and audible indications of problems. Log the inspection, metered parameter indications, and any discrep- ancies.

4.2.2 Air Filters

The air filters must be inspected and serviced on a regular schedule. The period between inspections will depend upon environmental conditions. Under normal conditions, the air filters will require cleaning or replacement approximately every two months.

All Npower models have replaceable filter elements behind the grille in the front of the unit. This ele- ment can be changed with the UPS operating, by opening the outer door for access.

Abnormal or dusty conditions will require more frequent cleaning and replacement of air filters. Inspect installations in new buildings more often, then extend the inspection period as experience dic- tates.

4.2.3 Battery Maintenance


These maintenance procedures will expose hazardous live parts. Refer servicing to qualified personnel.

DC fuses operate at the rated battery voltage at all times. A blown DC bus fuse indicates a serious problem. Serious injury or damage to the equipment can result if the fuse is replaced without knowing why it failed. Call Liebert Global Services for assistance.


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Contents Npower UPS Page Table of Contents Communication Interfaces MaintenanceFigures Page Tables Page Important Safety Instructions Overview of Manual System Description Factory Backup and Service Assistance Safety PrecautionsReliability VersatilityModes Of Operation Input Power FailureNormal Load On UPS RechargeMimic Display CHGSYS. Status Options Operator ControlsBattery System General Component DescriptionUPS Module Detailed Component Descriptions Controls HardwareFirmware Battery Charging Circuit Input Power FactorRectifier/Charger OperationBattery Charge Current Limiting Battery DisconnectBattery Equalize Charge Circuit Operation After End-of-dischargeUnbalanced Load Characteristics Nonlinear Load CharacteristicsStatic Bypass Switch Static Switch Backfeed ProtectionTransfer and Retransfer Conditions Operation Operation Navigation Buttons Operator Control PanelRotary switch Rotary SwitchUser Settings ConfigurationSecurity Access and Passwords Prev Cancel Save & ExitMenu Tree Display Screens and ProceduresSecondary Screens Primary ScreensMimic Display Screen Main Menu ScreenFaults / Alarms FaultsRect DischgSYS. Status Mimic DisplayInput Status DC BUS / Battery StatusFreq Temps DEG C Inlet AIR Outlet AIR Heat SinksFreq .9 HZ 213 214 Phase Diff Bypass Input StatusOutput Load Status Faults and Alarms Active Faults and AlarmsUser Shutdown EXI TNext System RatingsManual Startup Second ScenarioAuto Startup Modify DC BUS SET Point Target and Ramp Values Input Modify Current Limit Target and Ramp ValuesServ Skip AbortExternal maintenance bypass switch, dual-input UPS SIB External Maintenance BypassExternal maintenance bypass switch, single-input UPS External Maintenance Bypass Switch Configurations Multiple Battery CabinetsShutdown User ShutdownSystem Status Status ReportsHistory LOG Clear History Logs Clear Event LOG Status ReportsEvent LOG TotalEvent Log 02 / 10 History LOGOUT-V IN-V Load Freq OutputInput of / UF SBS Line Trap SBS LoadExit Configuration ScreensInput Frequency DC BUS VoltsOutput Frequency PrevCancel Save & Exit System SettingsSystem Settings Current DateCurrent Time Next PREV. Cancel Save & ExitOrder Number TimeSingle / Dual Input Enter PasswordDual Output Transformer Bypass WIND. noOptions 10% Passive Filter SettingsActive Filter LBS Generator Auto Restart OptionsAlternate Power Pole FAN no Pulse Rectifier Battery GND Fault Green MachineLine Drop Compensation Prev ExitCommunication Options Auto DialNext Exit Pager Enabled Pager Number Pager PIN Pager Support ConfigurationModem Health Check Auto Dial YES Auto Dial OUT PagerPREV. Cancel Next PREV. Cancel 10 % Passive Filter Settings Factory SettingsNext Cancel Latching Alarm MaskDial FreezeAlarm / Fault Name Battery Fuse Fail Alarm / Fault NameAlarm / Fault Name F E Save & Exit CancelAuto Dial Customer Alarm InterfaceCustomer Alarm Interface Programmable Output Relay Board #Remote LED Board # Relay Assignments STD SET User DefinedSTD SET UP Down ADD Remove Clear Exit Prog Relay #Manual Transfer Navigating ProtocolBattery Test Battery ManagementAuto Test Battery Duration Battery CycleBattery Equalizer MIN MAX WeeksAuto Enabled DisabledManual Stop StartTemperature Battery Temp Compensation ChargeBattery Temperature Compensation Charge Equalize Time PeriodBattery Cycle Monitor Battery Temp CompensationBattery Cycle Monitor Summary Clear BCMClear Summary YES / no Seconds Discharge Cycles SummaryTime Down BATT. EOD Lower SET Point BATT. EOD Upper SET Point Battery Time Low WarningBattery Supplement BATT. Time LOW WarningAuto Restart Auto Restart Trigger Condition Alarm NotificationsSystem Status Monitoring System StatusSign OFF Date 10/30/01 System StatusNext Prev Save & Exit Sign OFF Date 10/30/02Accumulated Operating Hours on UPS Accumulated Backup HoursAccumulated Operating Hours on Bypass Accumulated # of Brown OutsFaults Faults, Alarms, StatusOn Battery Input Contact #1 Alarm / Fault Name F E DelayUP Down Description L Latching...D DialSummary Alarms, functions, and corrective actions Alarm MessagesContact Liebert Global Service to check Excess load from the UPS and attempt to EPO Maximum heat sink temperature limit This is a summary event based on Battery is discharging. This occurs RMS input current has reached Output kVA or kW or RMS current has With the load on UPS, PhaseB output KVA Condition only causes an alarm, but should Push-button switch located on See 3.3.7 Battery Management All of the alarms before attempting to Status Communication Interfaces1 RS-232 Port Local Reporting Terminal Worldwide ReportingAuto-Dial Dial Out Pager Requesting InformationSiteScan Remote Alarm Status PanelSetting Up External Communication Devices Load on BypassOK to Transfer Momentary Overloads Input Power Failure Load on BatteryOverloads Automatic OperationsAutomatic Transfers to Bypass Automatic Re-transfers to UPSAutomatic Module Off Line Maintenance Battery Maintenance Routine MaintenanceRecord Log Air FiltersBattery Safety Precautions Torque Requirements Battery voltage recordDetecting Trouble Reporting a ProblemCorrective Actions Recommended Test EquipmentMaintenance 101 Maintenance 102 Page Ne t