Buzzer: The buzzer is always flashing when unit turned on.
Green Mode Bulb: When green mode is enabled, and the UPS has
switched to Green Mode due to a load of less than 3% being detected, the bulb symbol will flash.
Fault: The UPS failed and must be repaired; this symbol will flash and the UPS will sound a long beeping alarm.
Test: When the UPS is conducting a Battery Test while operating in Normal
Load: The greater the load, the more bars that will be illuminated.
Each bar represents 25% of the UPS output rating.
Inverter: When Inverter is functioning, this symbol will be illuminated.
PFC: When PFC is functioning, this symbol will be illuminated.
Line: When utility power is present, this symbol will be illuminated.
Charger: When charger is in normal operation, this symbol will be illuminated.
Boost: When the DC/DC Converter is functioning, this symbol will be illuminated.
Battery: The higher the battery capacity, the more bars that will be illuminated. Each bar represents 25% battery capacity.
Fan in high speed: The UPS is in Battery Mode
Fan in medium speed: The UPS is in Normal
Fan in low speed: The UPS is in Bypass Mode.