Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
MMDS Target Component
4.10 Bus Analyzer
4.10.6 Dumping the Bus analyzer data to a file
To dump the Bus analyzer data to a file, choose the Trace>Dump... menu selection. This opens the Dump Bus Analyzer Frames dialog box as shown in Figure 4.30.
Figure 4.30 Dump Bus Analyzer Frames Dump File
This dialog box lets you specify frames in the bus analyzer window, then dump those frames to a file.
In the Dump File edit box, enter the name of the file that will receive the dumped frames. Select
Click the Select button to open a standard Frames to Dump
Use this area’s edit boxes to define the range of frames to be dumped to the file. All
To have the analyzer dump all frames of the range, select the All option button. Instructions
To have the analyzer dump only frames in which an instruction starts (that is, an instruction also in the defined range), select the Instructions option button.
The trace dialog box display only frame as shown in Figure 4.31.
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