Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
MMDS Target Component
4.10 Bus Analyzer
finds a matching frame, the marker moves to the frame. If necessary, the system scrolls the bus analyzer window to make the frame visible. If the search does not find a matching frame, an error message reports that fact. Previous Event
To search for the previous occurrence of the specified event, choose the Trace>Search >Previous Event menu selection. The analyzer searches backwards from the selected frame to find the previous frame that matches your event specification. (Pressing the keyboard P key, without activating the Trace menu, is another way to activate this search.) If this search finds a matching frame, the marker moves to the frame. If necessary, the system scrolls the bus analyzer window, to make the frame visible. If the search does not find a matching frame, an error message reports that fact. Search for a Pattern
To search for a frame that matches a pattern, you must define the search pattern (an address, a data word, logic clips, and four miscellaneous signals). To do so, choose the Trace>Search>Pattern... menu selection. This opens the Pattern page of the Bus Analyzer Configuration dialog box as shown in Figure 4.29:
Figure 4.29 Search Pattern
MMDS0508 Target Interface |
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