Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
MMDS Target Component
4.10 Bus Analyzer
Figure 4.21 Trace Instructions Only Format Display Graphical Display
The figure below shows the graphical display of bus analyzer data. Selections of the Trace menu let you switch between formats easily, at any time. The left column lists data items. The next column lists the data values for the current frame. The rest of the display presents those data values graphically, or with greater resolution. In a graphical display, the marker consists of two vertical bars that enclose the information of the current frame. Zoom In or Out
The graphical display shown in Figure 4.22 lets you zoom in, to see more details, or zoom out, for a better general view. Zoom in and Zoom out are selections of the Trace popup menu.
Other ways to zoom in are choosing the Trace>Zoom In menu selection or pressing the 'I' key of the keyboard.
MMDS0508 Target Interface |
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