Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
MMDS Commands
A.1.3.15 Description
The GP command searches the analyzer trace buffer for a frame that matches the defined search pattern. (Use the SP command to define the pattern.) A forward search begins at the frame immediately following the current frame. A backward search begins at the frame immediately preceding the current frame.
When the search finds a matching frame, the system positions the line cursor on the frame, in the center of the screen. If no frame matches the pattern, the line cursor does not move. If no search pattern is defined, this command searches for any pattern: that is, the line cursor moves to the next line (or preceding line).
Searches forward for the next frame that matches the search pattern.
Searches backward for the previous frame that matches the search pattern.
A.1.3.16 Short Description
log trace.
A.1.3.17 Syntax
LT [range]
range: The range of frames (decimal numbers) to be copied. Without a range value, this command copies all frames in the trace buffer.
A.1.3.18 Description
The LT command copies contents of the bus analyzer trace buffer to the log file, in the current view format. The target must be stopped to execute an LT command.
MMDS0508 Target Interface |
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