Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
MMDS Commands
Without a rate value, the command displays the Communications Baud Rate Specification dialog box for interactive rate selection. If the system does not support the requested rate, the red message, “Error: <baud rate> is not a supported baud rate.” appears in the Command Line window.
BAUD 57600
Changes the Baud Rate Command to 57600.
A.1.2 Trigger Commands
A.1.2.1 Short Description
clear triggers.
A.1.2.2 Syntax
CT list *
list: A list of trigger identifiers (A, B, C, or D).
*: All triggers.
A.1.2.3 Description
The CT command clears definition values of specified bus analyzer triggers (events), A, B, C, or D. The command also disables these cleared triggers. Use the Set Trigger (ST) command, or the bus analyzer configuration dialog box, to set trigger values. windows. Triggers are enabled by Use the Trigger Enable (TE) and Trigger Disable (TD) commands to enable and disable triggers.
Clears triggers A and B.
MMDS0508 Target Interface |
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