Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.
MMDS Commands
would trip the trigger: 0xC000, 0xC001, 0xC002, or 0xC003. For Address 0x00B0, Mask 0xFFF0, any address in the range 0x00B0..0x00BF would trip the trigger.
A.1.3.25 Short Description
set sequencer.
A.1.3.26 Syntax
SQ [mode [count] [;S] ]
mode: One of these values: ALL (records all bus cycles) EVENT (records only events) SEQ0 (sequential A+B+C+D) SEQ1 (sequential
SEQ2 (sequential
count: Terminal count for the ALL and EVENT modes (a decimal value). Directs recording of count frames (of the appropriate type). When the number of frames recorded reaches the count value, the analyzer stops recording and is disarmed. If this command has no count value, the analyzer records continuously whenever the emulator is running. For sequential modes, the count value is the decimal
;S: Specifies stopping the emulator when recording stops, letting you use the analyzer as a sequenced breakpoint machine.
MMDS0508 Target Interface |
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