Briggs & Stratton 18000, 20000 manual No leakage is permitted

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Install the flexible, gaseous hose (supplied) between the home generator Fuel Inlet port and rigid piping to prevent thermal expansion or contraction from causing excessive stress on the piping material.

NOTE: Where local conditions include earthquake, tornado, unstable ground, or flood hazards, special consideration shall be given to increase strength and flexibility of piping supports and connections.


The supplied flexible gaseous pipe is not to be installed underground or in contact with the ground.

The entire flexible gaseous pipe must be visible for periodic inspection and must not be concealed within, contact, or run through any wall, floor, or partition.

Piping must be of the correct size to maintain the required supply pressures and volume flow under varying generator load conditions with all gas appliances connected to the fuel system turned on and operating.

Use an approved pipe sealant or joint compound on all threaded fittings to reduce the possibility of leakage.

Installed piping must be properly purged and leak tested, in accordance with applicable codes and standards.


Propane and Natural Gas are extremely flammable and explosive.

Fire or explosion can cause severe burns or death.

Before placing the home generator into service, the fuel system lines must be properly purged and leak tested.

No leakage is permitted.

Consider the following factors when planning to install the fuel supply system:

The home generator engine is fitted with a fuel mixer system that meets the specifications of the California Air Resources Board for “tamper-proof” fuel systems.

A minimum of one accessible, approved manual shutoff valve shall be installed in the fuel supply line within

6 ft (1.8 m) of the home generator. A union or flanged connection shall be provided downstream from this valve to permit removal of controls.

Natural gas fuel supply pressure at the generator’s fuel inlet port should be between 5 to 7 inches of water (in. W.C.) at full load.

LP gas fuel supply pressure should be 11 to 14 inches of water (in. W.C.) at full load with all gas appliances turned on and operating.

The home generator unit has been factory set to run on natural gas or LP gas. The unit cannot be converted from natural gas to LP gas or vice versa.

It is recommended that the fuel connection incorporate the following components:

A manual fuel shut-off valve located in the interior of the building.

A manual fuel shut-off valve located outside the building, just before the generator unit.

Where the formation of hydrates or ice is known to occur, piping should be protected against freezing. The termination of hard piping should include a sediment trap where condensate is not likely to freeze.

A manometer port should be provided.

The manometer port permits temporary installation of a manometer to ensure that the engine receives the correct fuel pressure to operate efficiently throughout its operating range.

NOTE: A digital manometer, P/N 19495, is available at your local Briggs & Stratton service center.

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Contents 20000 Home Generator Model Number Model Revision Serial Number Where to Find UsDate of Purchase Generator EngineTable of Contents BRIGGSandSTRATTON.COM Safety RulesHazard Symbols and Meanings Page Never operate generator without protective housing or covers Installation General Location Guidelines Home Generator LocationGenerator Location Lifting the Generator Fuel and Electrical Inlet LocationsGaseous Fuel System Access DoorsTo Open an Access Door To Close an Access DoorNo leakage is permitted LP Vapor Natural Fuel ConsumptionNatural Gas LP Vapor +12 Volt DC, .5 Amp Output Internal power supply System ConnectorsPole Connector Plug Utility Circuit Connection Fault Detection SystemGenerator AC Connection System Grounding the GeneratorFuel Supply System Final Installation ConsiderationsSystem Control Panel Initial Start-up No Load Engine AdjustmentAutomatic Operation Sequence ControlsOperation Installation Inspection Setting Exercise TimerLlamada Línea Directa de Generador de Hogar Manual de Instalación y ArranqueNúmero de Modelo Revisión Número de Serie Dónde encontrarnosFecha de compra Generador MotorMandos Utilización Instrucciones importantes de seguridad InstalaciónSímbolos de Peligro y Significados Conserve estas instruccionesAte para arriba el pelo largo y quite la joyería Tensión peligrosaNo modifique al generador en ninguna forma Instala el fusible se puede producir el arranque del motorInstalación Pautas Generales para la Ubicación del Generador Ubicación del Sistema de Generador de DomésticoUbicación del Generador Elevación del Generador Dimensiones de la Entrada para Electricidad y CombustiblePara cerrar una puerta de acceso Puertas de AccesoSistema de combustible gaseoso Para abrir una puerta de accesoSe debe contar también con una abertura para manómetro Vapor de Gas Dimensiones de la Cañería de CombustibleConsumo de Combustible Gas Natural Vapor de PLCableado para toma bipolar Conexiones de SistemaCableado para toma de 10 polos Salida de +12 V CC y 0,5 a Fuente de alimentación internaSistema de Detección de Fallas Sistema de Conexión de c.a. del GeneradorConexión a Tierra del Generador Interconexiones del Circuito de ControlFusible de 15 Amperios Panel de Control del SistemaConsideraciones finales para la instalación Sistema de Suministro de CombustibleInstale el fusible de 15 Amperios en el panel de control Arranque inicial sin cargaAjuste del Motor Cargue el generador a plena carga MandosUtilización Secuencia de operación automáticaTemporizador de enfriamiento del motor Configuración del temporizador de prácticaInspección posterior a la instalación Appelez Ligne Directe de Génératrice la Maison Manuel ’Installation et DémarrageNuméro de modèle Révision Numéro de série Où nous trouverDate d’achat Génératrice MoteurRéglage de la minuterie de cycle d’exercice Directives de sécurité importantes InstallationCommandes Fonctionnement Sécurité Symboles de Danger et MoyensDirectives de sécurité importantes Tension dangereuse Avis Précautions Lors du Déballage Responsabilités de l’InstallateurDescription de l’équipement Responsabilités de l’AcheteurContenu de la Boîte Emplacement du Génératrice d’état d’AttenteDirectives Générales Concernant l’Emplacement Vérification de la LivraisonSoulèvement de la Génératrice Dépannage Garantie Portes d’Accès’unité B Fonctionnement EntretienAucune fuite ne peut être tolérée Le système de combustible gazeuxPour ouvrir une porte d’accès Pour fermer une porte d’accèsEntretien Dépannage Garantie Sécurité Instalación FonctionnementCommandesIl faudrait inclure une sortie pour manomètre Propriétés physiques Sécurité Instalación CommandesFonctionnement EntretienGas Naturel Vapeur PL Propane GazConnexions de système Important Le voyant DEL est sensible à la polarité Interconnexions du Circuit de CommandeMise à la Masse de la Génératrice Système de Détection des PannesInterrupteur de système Tableau de Commande du SystèmeBatterie Système d’Alimentation en CombustibleRéglage du Moteur Démarrage initial sans chargeInstalación Commandes CommandesRéglage de la minuterie de cycle d’exercice Capteur de Prise en Charge de la Tension de ServiceFonctionnement Séquence de fonctionnement automatiqueVérification installation