5.After the determination is finished, the training computer displays one of the following:
•Default sport zones (heart rate zones) in use. The determination was not successful. The Polar sport zone (heart rate) limits will be used.
•Sport zones optimized. Heart rate zones on higher level. The limits have been raised compared to your average ZoneOptimizer limits. You may consider having a high intensity training session today.
•Sport zones optimized. Heart rate zones on normal level. The limits have been raised or lowered only slightly compared to your average ZoneOptimizer limits. You can train as normal.
•Sport zones optimized. Heart rate zones on lower level. The limits have been lowered compared to your average ZoneOptimizer limits.
6.After you have received and read the feedback, press any button, except LIGHT, to exit the message display and continue your training session.
Use Polar Endurance Training Program
Download Polar Endurance program from polarpersonaltrainer.com, and have a ready made program to guide you in your training.
To be able to download the program you need an account in the polarpersonaltrainer.com, the DataLink data transfer unit and WebSync software. For more information, see polarpersonaltrainer.com Help.
Once you have downloaded the program onto to your training computer, go to MENU > PROGRAM and press OK. You can browse through the planned training sessions with UP/DOWN buttons and select the training session you want to do (for example Thu 26.8.Long run 20km). To start training press OK.
Use RCX5 in Multisport Training
Before commencing a multisport training session, make sure that you have set the sport profile settings for each of the sports that you are going to use for the training session. For more information, see Sport Profile Settings (page 27).
During a mulstisport training session it is easy to change sports without stopping the training recording. During training recording press BACK once, and select another sport by browsing with UP/DOWN button and confirm your selection by pressing OK. Then continue with your training session.
Train With Race Pace
To set Race pace on for the training session go to MENU > APPLICATIONS > Running > Set race pace xx:xx:xx MIN/KM or MIN/MI. First set the distance and then the time in hours, minutes and seconds. Race pace set to xx:xx MIN/KM is displayed.
When starting the training session with Race pace go to MENU > APPLICATIONS > Running > Start session with race pace. Race pace set to xx:xx MIN/KM is displayed. You can now start your training session.
during training
Running man: Tells if you are ahead or behind the target pace.
5:05min/km: pace needed to achieve the target.
20:9 km: Distance left to reach the target. Current speed
Current heart rate
Button Functions During Training