Getting Started
Caution: Cautions alert you to actions that might cause damage to your system or your data.
WARNING: Warnings alert you to actions that might cause injury to you or someone else.
Adaptec does not claim to have included in this document every condition or situation that might require a caution or warning notice. Be sure to consult the documentation for your computer and any connected equipment when you are installing the equipment or changing its configuration.
WARNING: Always use caution when handling electrical equipment!
Fast Ethernet
Fast Ethernet is a networking standard defined by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) in their IEEE 802.3u Specification. Fast Ethernet runs at 100 Mb/s or 200 Mb/s in Full Duplex mode.
Fast Ethernet uses the same Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) architecture used on
PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters User’s Guide
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Current Date: 5/5/97 | ECN Date: 5/97 |