PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters
NDIS 2.0
Note: Consult the \readme\ndis.txt file for the latest driver information and installation instructions. Some procedures or information may have changed or may not have been available when this user’s guide was printed.
The NDIS 2.0 driver for DOS is in the \ndis.dos directory. The NDIS
2.0driver for OS/2 is in the \ndis.os2 directory. The Microsoft LAN Manager installation file is in the \mslanman.dos directory tree.
Here is a partial list of products that use the NDIS driver:
■Microsoft LAN Manager
■Artisoft Lantastic
■IBM DOS LAN Requester
■IBM OS/2 Warp Connect
■Banyan® VINES Client
■Various brands of TCP/IP
The DOS NDIS driver is compatible with DOS memory managers such as emm386 and can be loaded into high memory. In addition, the driver is compatible with Windows 3.0 and later. The NDIS 2.0 driver will also work with any other OS that complies with NDIS 2.0 specifications.
Installing With LAN Manager
Follow the instructions below to install the NDIS driver for LAN Manager, OS/2 Warp, and others.
1Boot your system.
2Run your network operating system's setup program according to the documentation provided with your network operating system software.
3When prompted, insert the driver diskette in drive A.
4Enter information as required.
5Exit your network operating system's setup program.
PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters User’s Guide
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Current Date: 5/5/97 | ECN Date: 5/97 |