Security Commands and To make sure that some designated files are accessible only to the system Parameters administrator, use the following commands and parameters:
This parameter is a SYS Service parameter that determines how a bridge/router can be accessed from another device on the network. For information on how to use the NetAccess parameter, refer to Using NETBuilder Family Software and to Reference for NETBuilder Family Software.
This command brings up a menu allowing you to specify the password for the Network Manager and User privilege levels. For information on how to use the SysPassWord command, refer Reference for NETBuilder Family Software.
This parameter is a SYS Service parameter that specifies the Internet addresses of devices that can connect to the bridge/router through the REMote command. For information on how to use the RemoteManager parameter, refer to Using NETBuilder Family Software and to Reference for NETBuilder Family Software.
This parameter is an SNMP Service parameter that modifies the list of communities. For information on how to use the COMmunity parameter, refer to Using NETBuilder Family Software and to Reference for NETBuilder Family Software.
What Next?You are now ready to refer to Using NETBuilder Family Software to configure your bridge/router for your specific network needs.